  • 學位論文

「企業型大學」介入高科技地域發展的嶄新經驗: 以國立交通大學推動「臺灣知識經濟旗艦園區」為例

“Entrepreneurial University” and High-Tech Regional Development: National Chiao Tung University in the Promotion of “Taiwan Knowledge-Based Economy Park”

指導教授 : 周素卿


本研究關注企業型大學崛起成為一個主動的行動者,對於以成長為導向的高科技地域治理所造成的改變。由於專利權與研發能力的價值,增強了產學合作的大學從私部門得到的財務支持,但基於各地有不同的政經社會情況,各大學採取趨異的 (divergent) 路徑去達成其目標。在臺灣,昔日以新竹科學園區而聞名的新竹地區,近年來,其地方成長聯盟推動許多再發展計劃,企圖打造一個文化科技城,吸引許多國立大學相繼於此設立第二校區。其中,尤以交通大學最能展現企業型大學的特徵:在研究和教學之外,將改善區域或國家的經濟表現視為大學的財務利益,並強調產官學合作帶來的創新效能。交通大學利用他與科學園區廠商的關係網絡,積極與地方政府合作,參與大規模的土地開發計劃,承諾協助引入廠商投資。故本文擇取交大與新竹縣政府合作推動之「臺灣知識經濟旗艦園區」為研究個案,檢視來自地方化的變數或是國家 (中央級政府) 的政策決議如何增強或削弱「企業型大學」與高科技地域地方成長聯盟結盟的誘因,從而締造了「企業型大學」介入高科技地域發展的嶄新經驗。


This research examines the rise of “entrepreneurial university” as an active agent for pro-growth high-tech regional governance and the resultant changes. Patent rights and value generation from R&D strengthen the financial support to assist collaboration between the private sector and the university. Due to dissimilar social, economic and political conditions in each setting, each university follows divergent paths to achieve such goals. The famous Hsinchu Science Park in the Hsinchu region recently observed the rise of multiple development projects pushed forward by its local growth coalition. The objective is to create a high-tech city with cultural attributes, thus attracting many universities to establish their second campuses on this site. National Chiao Tung University offers the best case of an “entrepreneurial university” here. Besides its mandate in teaching and research, the university regards economic gains from regional or national development as financial benefits of its own. Also, the university stresses much on innovation products developed from inter-collaborations between it, the governmental and industrial sectors. Capitalizing on network linkages with the Hsinchu Science Park industries, the university commits to solicit investments from them to large-scale land development projects it currently collaborates with the local government. Within this context, this research focuses on the case of “Taiwan Knowledge-Based Economy Park” of which National Chiao Tung University and Hsinchu county government are active agents. This research aims at examining variants of policy decisions from local or central governments which might strengthen or weaken incentives on collaboration between “entrepreneurial university” and the local growth coalition. The role that “entrepreneurial university” plays in high-tech regional development is an illuminating experience for all.


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