  • 學位論文


Real-Time View Transition between Cameras with Different Perspectives for Visual Monitoring

指導教授 : 洪一平


本論文之主要目的在提供一種即時的平順切換影像方法, 藉著將兩台不同方向攝影機所拍攝的監控影像, 利用影像形變的視訊轉換技術,達成不同攝影機間鏡頭平順切換的顯示。我們所提出方法的特色在於當監控環境有一個目標人物的時候,影像生成不需要手動指定或是計算影像間的對應點; 而當多個目標人物在監控環境中的時候,只要人物的追蹤結果是可靠的話, 我們的方法也可以自動的合成轉場的虛擬影像。已知背景三維模型與相機校正參數, 我們的方法先計算前景人物的位置, 接著利用一片人型板來做人物的模型。由於不需要點對應點,只要兩台攝影機所拍攝範圍有交集, 我們的方法便可行。實驗結果顯示我們的方法可以達到自然而且平順的視覺監控效果, 並且可以達到每秒二十二個畫格的即時效果。


This paper introduces a novel method for real-time view transition between two cameras. One important feature of our method is correspondence free for the single-target case. When there are multiple targets, our approach also works with a reliable multi-camera tracker. With camera calibration data and pre-constructed background 3D models, we synthesize virtual views by first estimating the 3D position of the foreground object and then using a billboard to model the foreground. With our approach, even when the viewpoints of two cameras are quite different, it still works well as long as the monitoring areas of two cameras have intersections in the real world. The experimental results have shown natural and smooth visual effects of synthesized images, and achieved 22 frames per second on a PC with 3.4GHz Intel Pentium IV CPU and 2G RAM.


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