  • 學位論文


Estimating the main effect of a covariate in single-index models

指導教授 : 鄭明燕


The article Efromovich (2005) addresses the problem of finding a relationship between the univariate predictor and the response when regression errors, created in part by known auxiliary covariates, are too large for a reliable regression estimation. The proposed solution of Efromovich (2005) is to estimate the noise component h(x,z) and substract it from the response and the obtained denoise scattergram yields the optimal estimation of the regression function. Besides, Efromovich (2005) develops a theory of asymptotically optimal nonparametric univariate regression estimation in the presence of auxiliary covariates. This article discusses the problem under single index model. The problem is to estimate the main effect of a covariate in single-index models. I estimate h(x,z) and substract it from the response and prove the obtained denoise scattergram yields an asymptotic sharp minimax estimate。


Efromovich,S. (2005). Univariate nonparametric regression in the presence of auxiliary covariates.
Journal of the American Statistical Association,100,1185-1201.
Nonparametric Regression, 'Statistica Sinica, 6,925-945.
Efromovich,S. (1999). Nonparametric Curve Estimation: Methods, Theory and Applications, New York: Springer-Verlag.
