  • 學位論文


Sugar Refining Industry: Historical Imprints on Place and Space

指導教授 : 王秋原


摘 要 「糖」與每個人的生活息息相關。跨越農工商部門的砂糖製造業,曾經扮演台灣的經濟命脈,影響十數萬農民生計、主導廣大區域景觀長達百年的歷史,在研究上具有高度的意義與價值。雖然糖業已經沒落,但藉著探索蔗糖產業在地方所遺留的珍貴資產,我們仍可見證過去在地方上努力建立的親密人地關係與文化註記,並藉此學習一種觀看世界的方式。 本研究將糖業活動視為旗尾居民的主要生活方式與促成人地互動的媒介,從微觀尺度與結構歷程的研究取向,以及深度描述與敘事的方法,來理解旗尾的地方特質、蔗糖產業發展的時空歷程,並分析糖業沒落後旗尾對文化轉型的企圖。研究結果顯示: 國家經濟政策或官方態度是長期形塑地方糖業樣貌的關鍵力量。不同族群受旗尾環境特質的牽引而進駐,藉由賦予意義、決定地方的資源利用與生活方式,並形塑了旗尾不同面向的特色。從逐鹿秋蒐的原住民、與洪水爭地、冒險入墾並開發邊際地區糖業的漢人,動用國家力量協助資本家、整合當地農民成就巨大糖業版圖的日本殖民統治者,以至於光復後沿襲日治時期,為了獲取高額外匯而發展糖業,並換取經濟成長的國民政府,都是不同時期的地方定義者。 清代官方的放任,使入墾漢人藉由相對進步的農業知識,將與原住民的交疊的生活場域轉變成為一個以漢人,特別是閩南人本位思考的「地方」,取代原住民,在旗尾複製原鄉生活方式、以土地書寫蔗作技術。以家族與地緣網絡為核心,經營零散蔗園、機動性運作原始硤糖技術,展現的正是旗尾在制度化過程中限制與自由之間的張力。 日治時期,以政治力為糖業發展所進行的前置工作,在成功勸誘流動資金進駐旗尾後,轉以固定的基礎建設 (糖廠、鐵道、發電廠、水利灌溉設施) 呈現在地表之上,藉此整併旗尾地方上的糖業版圖,並確立了旗尾對周邊糖業發展的主導地位。警察與保甲制度的並用,不但平息旗尾長期對蹠的族群衝突,也將之整編為糖業下的蔗農或蔗工。改革精進的蔗作技術與製糖作業則將旗尾為數眾多的蔗農、蔗工與臨時工轉進新的糖業時間與生活節奏,新式糖業作為一項制度化的勢力,烙印了更加鮮明的生活註記,並強化了旗尾農民與土地的緊密互動。 光復初期國民政府雖然沿襲日治時期舊制,並推動糖業,但在糖業的階段性任務達成,累積足夠外匯之後,整體經濟政策的工業化轉向,也衝擊了糖業。隨著經濟政策工業化、勞動成本的逐日提升,加上長期國際糖業的低靡與市場不穩定性,地方糖業在政府開放砂糖進口 (1991)、停止推廣蔗作 (1995)、停止製糖業務 (2002) 等一連串退讓,以及積極加入世界貿易組織 (WTO) 之後,全面撤守,走入歷史。然而因為長期作用於地方上的人與地,也使糖業超越單純的產業價值而具文化資產的潛力,故對於未來文化轉型與製造差異性的地方企圖,本研究也提供幾項建議。 1.除糖業生活所留下的可見文化資產之外,仍必須與旗尾本身的地方特質,甚至旗山山邊蕉城或美濃客家文化結合,才能發揮更大的活力,並擺脫僅能販賣冰品的形象。 2.開啟地方居民對話,凝聚地方的糖業共識與地方特質認同,並深耕與糖業有關的文化意涵,以爭取糖業文化的經營主導權。不同於扮演經濟命脈時期的糖業運作模式,糖業的文化轉型必然要仰賴地方力量的自主發動,因而建構、深耕與糖業有關的文化論述至關重要。 3.善用地方上與糖業有關的人力資源。深知糖業知識與文化糖廠職工、擁有精緻田園與土地技術的蔗農都是旗尾糖業文化傳承的關鍵媒介與推手。在旗尾打造一座有別於靜態糖業博物館的鮮活糖村,唯有他們的協助,才有最佳的希望。


旗尾 糖業文化 歷史 地方 區域 地方尺度


Abstract The sugar is close to everybody's daily life; it involves agriculture, industry and commerce section as the product. The sugar industry once influenced more than hundreds of thousands of peasants and landscape in Taiwan for hundred years. In this article the sugar industry is considered as an intermediary of people and land on the smaller scale of region (Chi-Wei). The author aims to explore local characters, the time-space process of sugar industry developing, interaction between people and land, the cultural turn after sugar industry declining with a structuration approach and thick description and narrative method. The results of study appear: National economic policy influences critically local sugar industry for a long time. Official interfering in Ch’ing era, people from China copied the life style in the native land, developed the sugar culture on Chi-Wei and replaced aboriginals by better agricultural knowledge. Japanese Occupation, the governor dominated local sugar industry by political power, and established Chi-Wei in the leading position to development of sugar refining industry in region. The systems of police put down ethnicity's conflict, promoted them into peasants and staff in sugar refining industry too. Through much better farming and sugar refining technique peasant involved in the rhythm of sugar refining industry, the sugar refining industry strengthened the interaction between peasant and land. The Nationalist Party and government followed the old system of Japanese Occupation to promote the sugar refining industry. However, after accumulating enough foreign currency, the industrialized policy damaged the sugar industry. The local sugar industry given up entirely due to labor cost raising, the international sugar industry declining, the market unstable changing, sugar import opening (1991), sugarcane cultivation stopping (1995), business of refining sugar stopping (2002), and Taiwan joining WTO. Recently, the sugar refining industry convert its cultural value because it constantly influence on people and land more than hundreds years. Several suggestions will be made for the local culture transition in this research: 1. Connect the local and regional (Chishan & Meinung) characteristics for taking more power and conviction. 2. Begin disscusion for common understanding of sugar industry and local characteristics identification, and win over the management of the sugar culture. The cultural transition of local sugar refining industry relies on local people and place; therefore, the discourse or relevant meaning of sugar refining industry will be more consequential. 3. Benefit from the peasants and staff of sugar refining industry who contributed to sugar industry in the past. They are all the key media and pushing hands of sugar culture.


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