  • 學位論文


The Comparison of Length of Hospital Stay and Expenditure of Two Major Hip Fracture Patterns in Elderly Patients

指導教授 : 蘇 喜


髖骨骨折常發生於老年病患,且容易造成永久失能,帶給社會及家人沉重的負擔。超過百分之九十的老年病患髖部骨折都是跌倒所造成的,隨著年紀增高以及所伴隨的骨質疏鬆症,跌倒造成骨折的機率也愈大。髖部骨折型態可分為二大類:股骨頸骨折及股骨粗隆周圍骨折。股骨頸骨折在高齡病患中常以人工股骨頭置換術治療,股骨粗隆周圍骨折原則上均是以鋼釘固定患處,使骨折處可以逐漸癒合。 本研究追蹤2005年間於台大醫院雲林分院因髖骨骨折接受手術治療的病患,經由病例回顧及電話訪問,收集病患的各項資料及住院醫療費用清單,分析不同髖骨骨折型態間病患特質的差異以及其與住院天數、住院期間所耗費的醫療資源的影響,希望找出影響住院天數及醫療費用的因素,期能藉此找出減少住院天數及醫療資源的耗用的方法。


Hip fractures are commonly seen in the elderly and may result in permanent disability and enormous burden to the society and family. More than 90% of the hip fractures in the elderly caused by a fall, and the risks of the fall related fractures increased as the aging process and the accompanying osteoporosis. There are two major hip fracture patterns: the femoral neck fractures and the femoral pertrochanteric fractures. Displaced femoral neck fractures in the elderly are most often treated with hemiarthroplasty, while femoral pertrochanteric fractures are treated with open reduction and internal fixation of the fracture site. In this study we recruit the patients receiving primary surgical intervention for hip fractures in 2005 at the National Taiwan University Hospital Yunlin Branch. The demographic data and the cost during the hospital days for each patient were collected via chart review and telephone contact. The differences between the two major hip fracture patterns and their influences to the length and cost of hospital days were then analyzed. We are looking forward to find out the factors that influence the hospital days and the cost of the patient who suffered from hip fractures.


hip fracture femoral pertrochanter femoral neck cost


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