  • 學位論文


Statistical Quality Control Method for Traditional Chinese Medicine

指導教授 : 蕭金福


中文摘要 傳統中草藥目前在世界上許多地方被使用,傳統中草藥生藥材內的活性成分會隨著不同批次間或不同地區間而有所不同,因此,如何控管傳統中草藥的品質已經成為一個重要的課題。 本論文中,我們提出對傳統中草藥做統計品質控管的分法,基本概念是建構出在槽式設計下傳統中草藥材的β-γ容忍區間。若此β-γ容忍區間落在我們事先規定的品質控管範圍之內,則我們可以說這批生藥材通過了我們的品質控管測驗。本論文也有提到估計樣本數的統計方法與一個模擬的例子。


Abstract Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is now widely used in the world. The active ingredients in raw materials of TCM are different from batch-to-batch or area-to-area. Thus, how to control the quality of TCM has become an important issue. In this thesis, we propose a statistical quality control (QC) method for TCM materials. The idea is to construct a β-γtolerance interval for TCM materials under a nested design. If the constructedβ-γtolerance interval lying in a prespecified QC limit, then we can claim that the raw materials have passed the QC test. Statistical methods for estimating the sample size and a simulation example are also studied in this thesis.


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