  • 學位論文


A Face Robot Design and Facial Expression Recognition

指導教授 : 黃漢邦


本論文研究目標為設計一具有類似人臉外型的機器人頭部,且可以呈現不同的臉部表情,並利用視覺功能進行表情辨識。 在表情呈現部分,本研究利用釣魚線與釣魚網模擬人臉線性與非線性肌肉結構,並且設計眼淚機構使機器人頭具有哭的表情並可以掉下眼淚。在表情辨識部分,本研究利用少量的嘴巴與眉毛參數進行表情辨識,研究結果顯示可以利用少量的參數達成高辨識率。最後結合表情呈現與表情辨識,設計一些狀況讓人與機器人間產生互動。


機器人 表情 表情辨識


Our research goal was to develop a face robot that has a human appearance and can display facial expressions. We also constructed facial expression recognition with vision in order to create human-robot interaction. To display facial expressions, we used fishing line and fishing net to produce a muscular structure similar to the linear and nonlinear muscles of the human face. We also designed a mechanism for producing tears and made the face robot cry like a human being. For facial expression recognition, we used a few mouth and eyebrow descriptors by which to identify facial expressions. The results proved that a few descriptors could be used to achieve a high recognition ability. Finally, we combined facial expression display with facial expression recognition, and designed some conditions for human-robot interactions. We thus produced a closer and more natural relationship between humans and robots.


face robot robot head facial expression recognition AAM SVM


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