  • 學位論文


Serological Study of Equine Piroplasmosis, Equine Lyme Disease, and Equine Anaplasmosis in Taiwan

指導教授 : 吳應寧


次血清學調查之目的主要為研究馬焦蟲症(equine piroplasmosis, EP)、馬邊蟲症(equine granulocytic anaplasmosis, EGA)和馬萊姆病 (equine Lyme disease, LD)在台灣地區之流行狀況。馬焦蟲症為馬科動物之重要傳染性疾病,在馬科動物感 染Babesia caballi 或Theileria equi後發生,此病亦為世界各國馬匹進出口檢疫 疾病中的重要一環。馬邊蟲症和馬萊姆病為人畜共通傳染病,其致病原分別為 Anaplasma phagocytophilum 和Borrelia burgdorferi。於2009年6月至8月間, 依據全國馬場之分佈狀況將採樣對象區分為北部地區、桃竹苗地區和中南部地區。 北部地區(台北市、台北縣) 9處馬場採集231血液樣本,桃竹苗地區(桃園縣市、 新竹縣市、苗栗縣)8處馬場採得127樣本,中南部地區(台中縣市、高雄縣市、 屏東縣)7處馬場採集131樣本,全台共計收集489匹馬之血液樣本。此次血清學 調查利用商品化之ELISA檢驗套組檢測馬匹血清中針對上述三種疾病之抗體。 ELISA檢驗之抗體檢測結果顯示在489血清樣本中針對馬焦蟲病抗體的檢測並 無陽性病例。馬邊蟲病血清抗體陽性之最高盛行率地區為桃竹苗地區(2.36%, 3/127),而馬萊姆病抗體檢測陽性最高盛行率地區同樣為桃竹苗地區(4.72%, 6/127),全國盛行率分別為馬邊蟲病:2.05% (10/489)和馬萊姆病:3.48% (17/489)。 我國長期針對進口馬匹進行焦蟲症之監測,在本次血清學調查中並未發現馬焦蟲 症之陽性病例。而馬邊蟲症和萊姆病之抗體檢出率相較下雖低於他國之調查報告, 亦不能忽視其他可能存在之問題,尚須要進行更深入的調查才能更進一步了解此二種疾病在台灣其他動物種群發生之狀況。


焦蟲 邊蟲 萊姆病


During June to August, 2009, a serological survey was carried out to investigate the prevalence rate of equine piroplasmosis (EP), equine granulocytic anaplasmosis (EGA), and equine Lyme disease (LD) in Taiwan. EP is an important infectious disease of equids, caused by the infection of Babesia caballi or Theileria equi, being monitored by countries around the world in the international movements of horses. EGA is caused by the infection of Anaplasma phagocytophilum and equine LD is caused by the infection of Borrelia burgdorferi; both these diseases are zoonotic. According to the distribution of horse raising facilities and horses kept, the target population for the survey was roughly grouped into three geographical regions, namely, the Northern (Taipei city, and Taipei county), TaoZhuMiao (Taoyuan city, Taoyuan county, Xinzhu city, Xinzhu county, and Miaoli county), and Central-South (Taichung city, Taichung county, Kaohsiung city, Kaohsiung county, and PingTung county) region. 231 horse blood samples were collected from 9 facilities in the Northern region, 127 samples were collected from 8 facilities in the TaoZhuMiao region, and 131 samples from 7 facilities in the Central-South region. A total of 489 horse blood samples were collected and evaluated with commercial competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (C-ELISA) and ELISA test kits for the detection of antibodies against EP, EGA, and LD in the horse serum. The C-ELISA examination results of EP were negative for all the serum samples. TaoZhuMiao region has the highest prevalence for both EGA (2.36%, 3/127), and equine LD (4.72%, 6/127). The overall prevalence of EGA was 2.05% (10/489), and 3.48% (17/489) for equine LD. In conclusion, the serological test for EP has shown no positive case, owing to the routine quarantine and examinations of imported horses. Even though the prevalence of EGA and LD is relatively lower compared with studies from other countries, further investigation will be needed to account for the epidemiological dynamics of A. phagocytophilum and B. burgdorferi infections in other animals in Taiwan.


Anaplasmosis Equine Lyme disease Piroplasmosis


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