  • 學位論文


The Study of Cosmetic Industry and Corporate Social Responsibility

指導教授 : 柯承恩
共同指導教授 : 黃崇興


化妝品產業是這世紀重要的新興產業之一,雖然這產業最早源自化工產業,但近來已經搖身一變成為最有潛力且具有創新及創意概念的高附加價值產業。然而化粧品產業在先前無論是跟消費者或是與環境和社會的連結,大多只講求感性面、銷售面及公關面,於是造成近年來化妝品廣告宣稱誇大不實的狀況層出不窮。由於相關刑責罰款遠小於商業利益,喜歡在廣告宣稱上鋌而走險鑽漏洞的廠商大有人在。而媒體在面對化妝保養品廣告時,常常只習慣報喜不報憂,而無法平衡報導讓事實完整呈現。消費者在面對眾多華而不實、光怪陸離的廣告宣稱,也常因背景知識不足而無法理性判斷。在整個化妝品生產價值中消費者付出最多,但最後獲得的實質價值常是最少的,而且還是其中最弱勢的角色。 要改變如此現狀,光靠法規面限制或是市場面約束非但緩不濟急而且是不夠的。而要如何讓化妝品產業能盡到應有的企業社會責任(CSR),如何把消費者、環境與社會等相關因素納入原本的經濟活動考量中,才是解決問題的根本方法。近年來國際化妝品大廠已經認知到企業社會責任的必需性與重要性,於是都很努力的在推廣實踐中,由萊雅、資生堂及雅詩蘭黛的案例介紹與整理就可以了解。 在目前化妝品產業中三大利害關係人-政府管理單位、廠商以及消費者間,發生了很多矛盾的問題。如何強化「互補者」或「中間介面者」(包括皮膚科醫師、藥師與消保團體等專業人員)在這三者間所扮演的角色與功能,也是未來產業在執行企業社會責任上的重要影響關鍵因素。 在可預見的將來,化妝品產業推行企業社會責任已是不可避免的趨勢,也唯有如此整個產業及市場發展才能朝向「追求美麗及永續發展的社會企業」的願景前進。如此不但可以讓產品更美、肌膚更美、環境更美、社會更美還可以讓地球更美。


Cosmetic industry is the most promising and emerging industry in this century. Although this industry was originated from the petrochemical industry, it becomes one of the most potential, innovative and creative high value-added industries nowadays. Because the connections between cosmetic industry and comsumers, environment and society are often correlated with the aspects of emotions, sales, marketings, and public- relations, therefore, more and more cosmetic advertisements making unrealistic and exaggerated claims about the effects of the products are found in recent years. Because the potential penalties for making such claims are much smaller than the potential profits the advertisements generate, many cosmetic companies continue to employ these untruthful practices in their business activities. Overwhelming sensational advertising surrounds us and instills in comsumers false knowledge about cosmetic products. Therefore, people can easily misuse and overuse these cosmetic or skin-care products, resulting in confusions and even injuries. In the cosmetic value-chain, cosumers often pay most but get least and they are also the most powerless. In order to change this situation, it is not enough just to rely on laws, regulations and public pressure. The only fundamental solution is to enforce the cosmetic industry to incorporate the proper concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR), caring the rights of stakeholders including consumers, environment and society, in their daily business. In recent years, the international cosmetic giants such as L'Oreal, Shiseido and Estee Lauder, have realized the necessity and importance of corporate social responsibility and have put many efforts in it. There are many conflicting issues among the three major stakeholders including governmental agencies, manufacturers and consumers in the cosmetics industry. From now on, strengthening the roles of "complementaries" or "intermediaries" (including dermatologists, pharmacists and consumer protection groups and other professionals) in the value-chain has crucial and deciding influences on the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the cosmetic industry. In the foreseeable future, the implementation of corporate social responsibility in the cosmetic industry is inevitable and this is the only way for the industry and market to develop toward the pursuit of a vision of "Beautiful and Sustainable Social entrepreneurship". Let’s work together to make the cosmetic products more beautiful, the beloved skin more beautiful, the surrounding environment more beautiful, the whole society more beautiful and ultimately, the only earth more beautiful.


安妮塔•羅迪克著 莊安琪譯 (2005) 《打造美體小舖》,台北:聯經出版公司。
孫震 (2009) 《企業倫理與企業社會責任》,台北:天下遠見出版公司。
李珮瑜 (2009) 《企業社會責任進化論》,台北: 臺灣大學管理學院企業管理碩士專班論文。
林銀娥 (2008) 《新企業社會責任 (ICSR)》,台北: 臺灣大學管理學院國際企業學研究所碩士論文。


