  • 學位論文


Development of a Handheld Optical Sensing Meter with Disposable Test Strip for Fatigue Assessment

指導教授 : 陳力騏


隨著社會的發展進步,人們開始追求更好的生活品質,過度疲勞所引起的問題也逐漸被重視。近年來,唾液澱粉酶(salivary α-amylase, sAA)的量測,於心理神經內分泌學(psychoneuroendocrinology, PNE)的研究領域愈顯重要。根據研究發現,於運動產生之生理疲勞或精神狀態緊張之心理疲勞,與唾液澱粉酶之分泌具有顯著相關性,相對於各項電生理學量測之間接訊號,更能視為一項領先的生物指標,且得以免於傳統侵入式生化檢測之不便性。因此本研究為開發一套簡易唾液澱粉酶活性檢測系統,利用還原比色法原理,藉由光學方式測定(λD = 525 nm)唾液中α-澱粉酶活性以推估疲勞狀態。 為實現系統開發與微小化,研究中使用 LED 與感光二極體作為光學檢測之元件,並整合各種電子元件、半導體晶片之電路設計,輔以LabVIEW 程式撰寫與硬體機械加工,以達到化學反應、光學檢測、訊號擷取傳輸與資料處理等各項模組之功能。於本研究中使用光碟之聚碳酸酯材質自行加工成拋棄式檢測試片,作為樣品反應槽,於反應後直接進行光強度量測,所需樣品量為180 μL,一次樣本檢測時間為12分鐘,於檢量範圍0.1-1 U mL-1內,相關係數可達0.949,靈敏度為0.028 Hz / U mL-1,並以實驗室級之光學檢測儀器分光光度計進行系統比對,得相關係數0.995。此外,與標準生化檢測之血清皮質醇檢驗比較,亦可得一致之結果。 本研究開發之掌上型光學檢測器結合拋棄式試片,可藉由量測唾液中之α-澱粉酶活性以評估人體疲勞之程度,能達到快速簡易、低成本及非侵入式檢測之目的,將助於民眾進行自我狀態評估,期望未來能應用於健康生活與道路安全等領域,以減低因疲勞引起之意外發生率。


With the development and progress of modern society, fatigue and the related issues have gradually attracted public attention due to the pursuit of better quality of life. Therefore, the measurement of salivary α-amylase (sAA) has become an important issue in the field of psychoneuroendocrinology (PNE). According to previous studies, the secretion of sAA was significantly correlated with the physical and psychological stress induced by exercise, overworking or higher mental load. For this reason, sAA is regarded as an excellent biomarker comparing to the conventional measurement of electrophysiology and invasive biochemical examination. In this study, a colorimetric sensing device (λD = 525 nm) for determining the activity of sAA was developed for evaluation of the fatigue status. For assembling a miniaturized optical system, electronic components such as light emitting diode, photodiode, constant current driver and several integrated circuits were used. Under the environment of LabVIEW, a computer program with graphical user interface was developed for data acquisition and signal conditioning. Biochemical reaction was conducted in a disposable test strip made of the polycarbonate (PC) substrate of a commercialized compact disc. The strips were fabricated with laser cutter and the sample volume was 180 µL. The detection time was 12 minutes for each sample. Based on the reduction in the absorbance caused by reducing sugar, the linear range for sAA detection was ranged from 0.1 to 1 U mL-1 and the calibration curve showed a regression coefficient of 0.949 and the sensitivity of 0.028 Hz / U mL-1, respectively. And the regression coefficient of system comparison with laboratory spectrophotometer was 0.995. The clinical data obtained with the proposed device were highly correlated with the serum cortical levels, the standard biochemical parameter for fatigue. This study provides an easy, fast, cost-effective and non-invasive way for fatigue evaluation which can help people for self-examination in the field of healthy life and road safety in the future.


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