  • 學位論文


A survey of public attitudes toward occupational health and related social protection systems among college students

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


在台灣,職業安全衛生相關政策多樣,但現行制度仍有許多問題;就職業災害補償制度而言,職業災害補償申請不易,很多勞工亦不懂得求助於勞保體系。除了探討法規制度缺失之外,政策的執行力也必須有民意配合,形成社會氛圍才能夠使制度推行更順利。因此本研究目的有三,一是發展測量對於職業災害補償制度精神的態度和相關因素的量表,二則探討在學大學生對於職業災害補償制度和相關社會保護機制、工作價值的態度,三則是比較不同年代對於工作期待和政府角色態度的變遷。 本研究以量性調查為主,訪談研究為輔。研究者回顧西方文獻,並參考當前台灣職災爭議內容,同時亦參考中研院「社會變遷調查」有關「工作價值」、「工作態度」與「政府責任」之題項,擬定問卷題組。本研究之問卷內容包括「職災補償制度雇主責任之態度」、「對政府角色之態度」以及父母教育程度、工作屬性等題目。研究者立意取樣18間大專院校,研究樣本包括13間一般大學和5間技職院校或科技大學,由訪員郵寄問卷或親自至學校發放問卷。問卷回收率為95.56%,扣除漏答、亂填答與在學學位非學士者,分析樣本為1149人(男性479人,女性670人)。本研究並分析中央研究院於2005年及2006年進行的「社會變遷調查」資料,選取其中18-23歲青少年族群(2005年有230位、2006年有216位),比較「工作期待」和「對於政府角色的態度」等變項。在訪談研究中,研究者立意取樣8名介於18至23歲的在學大學生進行個別訪談。 研究結果發現,測量職業災害補償制度精神態度暨其他相關因素的量表除了反向題外大部分有良好的信效度;打工情形方面,不同學校類型(公私立一般大學和公私立技職院校)學生的打工比例有顯著的不同,以私立技職院校學生的打工比例最高(57.35%),私立一般大學次之(41.76%)。私立技職院校學生的每週平均打工時數為21.48小時,比起一般公立大學學生的8.64小時高近2倍。在月薪方面,29.66%的私立技職院校打工學生月收入在10000-20000之間,其他學校類型學生的收入則大都在3000-6000元之間。在父母親教育程度方面,公立一般大學學生中,有44.8%的學生其父母親教育程度為大學或以上,而在私立大學學生中,此比例為19%,在技職學校學生中,此比例不到10%。 多變項迴歸分析可發現,有下述特質的學生對於職業災害補償制度精神的認同程度較高:年級較高者、私立學校學生(相較於一般公立大學學生)、近一個月有打工(相較於無打工經驗者);而父母親教育程度為碩博士學歷(相較於高中職)以及15歲時主要撫養者的職業類型為雇主者(相較於私人受雇者),對職災補償制度精神的認同程度則較低。 從2005年的「社會變遷調查」與本研究於2010年進行的調查都可以發現,18-23歲青少年認為最重要的工作特質包括「工作有保障」、「工作有趣」和「有好的升遷機會」;在對於政府責任態度方面,相較於2006年的「社會變遷調查」結果,本研究於2010年進行的調查發現,認為政府應該介入發展社會保護政策比率較高。 在訪談研究中,受訪的8名學生皆有打工經驗,也都曾因為工作而受傷,但只有3位受訪者曾經聽過職業災害補償制度,也並不清楚細節;大部分受訪者對於政府是否應該發展社會保護傘則多抱持著正面但不是非常信任的態度,亦可以發現大多數受訪者對於社會保護政策的想法是偏向發展殘補式社會福利制度。 建議應在學校課程設計納入勞動權益和勞動法規教育等相關內容,以使在學大學生在兼職工作時遇到問題能夠知道自身權益是否受損並進而能夠爭取自己的權利;再者,建議政府和企業界在就業和吸引人才政策設計上應不僅限於提供工作機會,而應納入在學大學生覺得重要的工作特質為考量;同時政府應該適度回應民眾希望能發展更多社會保護機制的期待。 研究限制方面,本研究為立意取樣的調查,因此研究結果可能不具代表性。


In Taiwan, there are various legislations concerning occupational safety and health, however, many of them are subject to improvement. Especially, there are many problems in the current workers’ compensation system. The amendment of the regulations alone will not be sufficient. There is need to understand how the public perceive occupational safety and health in general, and workers’ compensation system in specific. There were three objectives in this study. The first was to develop the tools for measuring the attitudes toward the occupational compensation system, expectations on work and the role of government. The second purpose was to investigate college students’ attitudes toward the principles of workers’ compensation system as well as expectations on work, occupational health and safety, and the social protection systems. The third study objective was to compare the results of this survey with that from previous surveys in order to understand the changes in attitudes toward expectations on work and the role of government. The quantitative survey was supplemented by in-depth interviews. The researcher adapted and modified questionnaire items from international social surveys for the assessment of work value, attitudes to work and governmental role. Also included in the questionnaire were items for assessing parental socioeconomic status. Teachers from 18 selected colleges/universities were contacted and their students were invited to participate in the survey. A total of 479 male and 670 female students completed the questionnaires, resulting in a response rate of 95.56%. Subjects aged between 18 and 23 years old were also extracted from the Taiwan Social Change Survey for analyses – there were 230 subjects in the survey conducted in 2005, 216 subjects from the survey in 2006. In-depth interviews were conducted in 8 students for a better understanding of students’ perception and responses to the questionnaire questions. The main results included three parts. First, most of the tools for measuring the attitudes toward occupational compensation system were with good validity and reliability except the items with reverse descriptions. Secondly, working experiences and working hours varied in different types of university including public university, private university, public and private vocational schools. Most students approved the principles of the workers’ compensation system but were less likely to support compensation for occupational diseases and commute accidents. In the interview study, we found that all of the students had experienced work injuries, but none of them were fully aware of the workers’ compensation system. In multivariate regression analysis, students with the higher grade, working experiences, whose main supporter wasn’t an employer, and those who attended to private schools were more supportive toward the workers’ compensation system. Thirdly, job security, job with good opportunities for advancement, and interesting job, were characteristics which were mostly valued by college students. Most college students were supportive toward some social welfare policy especially for those in need, like social welfare for the elderly. The researcher suggests that the teaching materials should be developed in order to enhance students’ knowledge on labor laws, occupational safety and health issues and related rights. On the other hand, at the time of rising unemployment rate, we should pay more attention to the quality of employment, in addition to the quantity of job opportunities. Enterprises should be encouraged to provide better job opportunities. Finally, the government should develop more social protection systems in response to the raising expectations from the people.


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