  • 學位論文


Play; Exit

指導教授 : 王友輝


《出口》 是取材自臺灣解嚴後發生的一宗軍中冤案,加以虛構而成的故事。從陌生的年輕人沈蘊之帶著一盒神秘的物件,來探望垂死的老人彭博政,逐步揭露三十年前那段慘酷的經歷。旨在呈現禁錮的時代對人性造成扭曲,挖掘最赤裸狀態下的人性。劇中穿插中古歐洲驅逐痲瘋病人的「瘋人船」意象,以凸顯禁錮與驅逐的主題。本論文除劇本之外,一併收錄創作源由,說明筆者創作本劇的來龍去脈,及劇本完成後的詳細分析,以供參考。


瘋人船 戒嚴 禁歌 禁錮 驅逐


The play Exit is a fictitious story taken from a military wronged case in Taiwan after Declaring martial law, starting from the strange young man Shen Yun-Chi carrying a box of mysterious objects to visit the dying elderly Peng Bo-Zheng, and gradually exposing the atrocious past of thirty years ago. The play aimed at showing how human nature was distorted in the era of Imprisonment, and excavated the most naked humanity. The play interspersed with the image of "the ship of fools" that expelling the lepers in medieval Europe, to highlight the theme of imprisonment and banishment. This thesis will include the play and the author’s reflection on the play to show the beginning and subsequent developments of the making of this play.


2. 傅柯(Michel FoucaultMichel Foucault Michel Foucault Michel Foucault Michel Foucault )著,劉北成、楊遠嬰譯。《瘋癲與文明》。臺北:桂冠。1992年。
3. 傅柯(Michel FoucaultMichel Foucault Michel Foucault Michel Foucault Michel Foucault )著,劉北成、楊遠嬰譯。《規訓與懲罰》。北京:三聯書店。2003年。
1. 弗里茲.里曼(Fritz Riemann)著,楊夢茹譯。《恐懼的原型》。臺北:臺灣商務印書館。2009年。
4. 米勒(Miller, J.)著,高毅譯。《福柯的生死愛慾》。上海:上海人民出版社。2003年。
5. 鮑曼(Zygmunt Bauman)著,郁建興、周俊、周瑩譯。《生活在碎片之中──論後現代道德》。上海:學林出版社。2002年。


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