  • 學位論文


High Frequency Monitoring System of Groundwater Level and Data Analysis

指導教授 : 賈儀平




地下水位 降雨 荷重作用 監測


Groundwater level monitoring wells are densely distributed in the plains and basins of Taiwan. The groundwater level is usually recorded every hour at these wells; only a few wells recorded every minute or every second. After analyzing groundwater level data, we found some abnormal groundwater level changes inconsistent with those induced by natural factors or human activities. These erroneous records may mislead the results of hydrologic analysis or research. This study intends to develope a remote high resolution and high frequency groundwater level monitoring system. It is essential to identify the source of error in the component of the system. It was found that inappropriate setting and installation would cause incorrect groundwater level record, such as exceeding the full scale pressure of the submersible pressure transducer or improper for data processing. The stability of the monitoring environment is also important, such as the consistency of voltage or variation of temperature. After factors might interfere data recording were reduced as possible, the groundwater level monitoring system was installed in Shelia. The recorded groundwater level data indicated that the auqifer is mostly unconfined. And it was found that groundwater level changed in a fluctuation pattern as rainfall occured, which indicated the loading to aquifer changed due to precipitation and resulted in the compaction and dilation of the aquifer. As promoting the resolution and accuracy of groundwater level monitoring system, the sensitivity to response earthquake rose as well, and a foundamental requirment to a high resolution and high frequency groundwater level monitoring system was also enhanced.


groundwater level monitoring rainfall loading


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