  • 學位論文


Study of Contact-related Functions in Smartphones

指導教授 : 游張松


摘要 隨著智慧型手機的發展與普及,手機的競爭面相早已不只是硬體競賽,軟體功能也在競爭中占有重要地位。本研究分析智慧型手機的聯絡人相關功能,試圖找出在智慧型手機的使用中有包含哪些關鍵的活動,以及試圖探討一個理想的智慧型手機應包含哪些相關功能。透過分析、比較三款行動作業系統、六款聯絡人管理應用程式,與五款社群與通訊應用程式,本研究發現智慧型手機的聯絡人相關功能應涵蓋三個面相的活動。分別為1.聯絡人新增/傳送相關功能2.聯絡人管理相關功能3.聯絡人互動相關功能。另外,透過本研究的分析比較,得到一個理想之智慧型手機聯絡人相關功能在上述三方面應滿足的使用者需求。在聯絡人新增/傳送相關方面,必須提供充分的資訊欄位、簡易的輸入資訊方式、方便的聯絡人資訊備份功能;在聯絡人管理方面,必須讓使用者能夠迅速有效尋找聯絡人,以及管理通訊錄名單避免混亂;在聯絡人互動方面,應完整整合通話、訊息等互動功能,以及提供使用者一個以「人」而非「應用程式」為出發點的聯絡人功能。


Abstract With the development of the uprising smartphone market, design of smartphones has gone beyond hardware improvement, with software functions playing a key role in the competition of the industry. This study looks into contact-related functions of a smartphone in an attempt to determine the necessary contact-related functions for smartphone usage, and to provide certain insights into how those functions are to be designed. Through analyzing three mobile operating systems, six contact managing applications, and five social and communication applications, this study discovered that there are three categories of contact-related activities. i.e. Contact adding/sending, contact management, and contact interaction. In contact adding/sending functions, the design needs to provide sufficient information blanks, and a convenient way for the user to backup contact information. In contact management functions, the design needs to allow locating contacts efficiently, and managing contact lists. In contact interaction functions, the design should include integration of calling and messaging, and utilization of a people-oriented logic.


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