  • 學位論文


Conquest and Resistance: Political Dynamics and Cultural Transformation in the “Southern Territory” of the Zhou Dynasty

指導教授 : 陳弱水 陳昭容


「南土」——漢水中游與淮河上、中游的地區,是周王朝的南方邊疆,歷西周一朝,先後有二十餘個封國在南土立國。它們與周王朝在北方的封國有本質性的區別,而其與王朝中央的政治關係也高度動態,是周王朝最為變動不安的疆域。然而,至今有關周代南土的系統性研究相對有限,而研究方法也有可以討論之處。   職是之故,本文結合傳世文獻、金文以及新發表的考古材料,用敘事方法呈現南土地區歷西周春秋時期與周王朝中央的互動過程。本文主張南土是西周王朝的異質疆域,歷西周一朝,周王朝中央透過不同手段試圖征服南土,相應的南方也持續抵抗中央化的壓力。這種共存而又對立的矛盾關係,造成一系列政治與軍事事件——昭王南征、南淮夷戰爭、厲王南征以及宣王封建等。本文重建並分析這一系列事件的時間、地理、過程與影響,發現雙方互動不只牽涉周王朝中央的政治鬥爭,引發王朝官僚體制、戰略布局、軍事制度與經濟政策的變遷,促成西周王朝的衰亡,也造成南土地區的政治與文化質變,並間接影響楚文化的興起;長遠而言,則開啟了中國體系向華中以及華南地區擴展的進程。   期許本文解決有關西周年代學以及政治史、軍事史的諸多爭議。將敘事視角由北方變為南方、由王朝中央變為王朝邊陲,則可以提供南方視角,為西周王朝與西周史帶來新的認識。也期待本研究足以回應如華中、華南地區的中國化,以及歷史為必然或偶然等通論性的議題。


The Nan Tu 南土, or the Southern Territory, was the southern periphery of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Situated between the middle reaches of the Huai River and Han River, the Southern Territory was home to a group of regional states, whose relations with the Zhou central court remained fluid throughout the Western Zhou period. It thus became one of the most politically dynamic regions within the domain of the Western Zhou Dynasty. However, the Southern Territory was one of the most neglected regions in the study of the Western Zhou history so far due to the lack of primary sources and an effective research strategy. By combining transmitted texts with bronze inscriptions and recent archaeological findings, this research adopts a narrative approach to represent the history of cross-regional interactions between the Southern Territory and the core area of the Zhou Dynasty from the early Western Zhou to the early Spring and Autumn period. I argue that political dynamics generated by geographical heterogeneity within the Western Zhou State were responsible for a series of political and military conflicts that involved both the Southern Territory and the Zhou central court, including King Zhao’s Southern Expedition, the Southern Huai Yi War, King Li’s Southern Expedition and the establishment of the Zhou regional states in the south during King Xuan’s reign. By painstakingly reconstructing and analyzing the chronology, geography, sequence of events and consequences of these incidents, I conclude that they not only involved political struggles and institutional changes within the Zhou central court, but also affected and transformed the political landscape and culture in the Southern Territory. It thus stimulated the rise of the Chu Culture and ultimately contributed to the sinicization of South China in the long run. It is hoped that this paper may settle a series of controversies concerning the chronology and the political and military history of the Western Zhou Dynasty. Additionally, by shifting the focus from the core to the periphery and from North China to South China, this research may provide new insights into the history of Western Zhou China. In a larger context, I wish to address more general issues, including the mechanisms of sinicization and contingency as the primary agent of change in history.


