  • 學位論文


The Interpretation of Contracts

指導教授 : 陳聰富


契約解釋在契約法當中佔有重要之角色。任何契約文字,即使明確毫無疑義,仍是解釋的結果。因此,法院在審視契約內容時,不可避免的必須面對契約解釋這一過程。而在這當中,如何去應用契約解釋中的參考要素如:契約文字、交易慣例、事後之履約過程、契約目的、事前之交易歷程與所有過去與訂約當時之事實等等,即為本文所欲探討之課題之一。另外,與此密切相關者乃契約解釋之目的究竟應以何者為重?是否如同客觀說所著重者,在於一般人之理解;抑或如同主觀說所追求者,在於當事人真意之體現。又或者最終之目的不在於前述兩者,而係公平正義、合理性之要求。基於此,在不同目的之要求下,各種參考要素之運用也呈現不同之風貌。最後,最重要者就是如何在不同之要求下取得一平衡點,以兼顧各種需求,並同時給予明確可操作但又富有彈性之標準,即為重要之課題。 就此,本文認為:在單純之契約解釋,雖然實務上適用之結果仍會以一般人之理解為主—甚至產生類似推定之效果,但在理論形式上,以當事人真意之追求為主要目的仍有其必要性,以確保法院在解釋上之彈性。而在補充之契約解釋,法院所追求之目的實質上即為公平正義與合理性,只是形式上仍為誠信原則與契約目的之適用,但實乃法官造法與政策選擇之一種形式。而各種參考要素即在此不同目的之引導下,扮演其角色。


The interpretation of contracts plays an important role in the contract law. Even though the contract terms are unambiguous, it is still the result of interpretation. When the court determines the contents of contract, it will inevitably undertake the process of interpretations. The main topic of this thesis is to examine the ways in which the relevant matters such as contract terms, usage of trade, purpose of contract, course of performance, course of dealing and all the circumstances are applied in interpretation of contract law. This thesis would explore the purpose of interpretation from the point of view of objectivism, which puts emphasis on the understanding of the reasonable person, and the view of subjectivism, which pursues the intention of parties, and from the viewpoint of fairness and reasonableness. Finally, it is the goal of this thesis to indicate the ways to take balance among all the requirements and to make a clear but flexible reference to the interpretation of contracts. In conclusion, although the understanding of a reasonable person would always be the guide of interpretation at most of the time, the interpretation of contracts shall also pursue the intention of parties at first for the reason of flexibleness. For constructive interpretation, the guideline will be fairness and reasonableness, while they actually do the work in the name of good faith and fair dealing. In any event, the relevant matters shall be applied and controlled by those purposes and play its roles.


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