  • 學位論文


Study of the Characteristic of the Stress Induced by Through-Silicon Via and the Stress Constraint/Modulation Structure

指導教授 : 廖洺漢




In this work, numerical simulation was used to predict the thermal stress and keep-out zone defined as where carrier mobility changes too much for the devices to turn on. By considering the anisotropic characteristics of the silicon, it is thought that the angle between the rows of through-silicon via array and the direction of the devices’ channel is a very important parameter. By the simulated stress pattern changed by applying tensile stress along the axis of TSV, a model of the confinement of the motion of the TSV’s surface, leading to the reduction of the area of the keep-out zone, was proposed and verified. Last, we proposed a non-enlosed air-gap structure to improve the existing enclosed one.


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