  • 學位論文


Real-time Reconstruction of 3D Objects Using a Single Kinect

指導教授 : 顏嗣鈞


在Microsoft Kinect問世之後,深度的資訊處理已被廣泛的研究,進而產生三維重建此一熱門議題,常被應用於醫學、考古學、藝術品建模等等。本論文透過Kinect攝影機之深度與色彩資訊擷取,經由使用者手持Kinect對物件進行環繞拍攝,系統可即時建構出所拍攝物件之彩色紋理三維模型。利用物件與所在平面之深度值差與深度斜率變化來偵測物件邊緣,並將畫面中之線條配合EmguCV尋找出多個輪廓,經由深度資訊與輪廓大小之門檻,來判斷物件輪廓的所在位置,進而將物件輪廓內之深度值與色彩資訊配合KinectFusion,即可得到物件的三維紋理模型,使用者可即時的觀察場景與物件之三維重建過程。以本論文之系統與Kinect RGBDemo v0.7.0之程式做比較,本篇論文之環境設置較為簡單,且物件重建的結果也較為精緻。


Since the debut of the Microsoft Kinect in 2010, depth information has been extensively applied to a variety of areas in academic research and industrial products. Among areas in which depth information plays a key role, 3D reconstruction has become a popular issue, with applications in medical imaging, archeology, and art reconstruction. With a user holding a Kinect camera which captures RGB and depth streams and moving around the target object, a textured 3D model can be reconstructed in real-time. The main purpose of this research is to 3D reconstruction in real-time using a single Kinect. To this end, we first define appropriate depth thresholds to perform the edge detection. Then we use EmguCV method findcontours to check for contours. Finally, we reconstruct a textured model from data of contours with KinectFusion. Experimental results are compared against the results of an existing system, showing the accuracy and effectiveness of the proposed design.


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