  • 學位論文

台灣信用卡市場商業模式之探討 ——萬事達卡國際組織為例

A Study on Business Model of Taiwan Credit Card Market-illustrated by MasterCard International

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 陳俊忠


台灣信用卡在1998年的一千多萬張流通卡短短八年時間於2006年達到歷史高點近四千六百萬,雖然曾因2005年雙卡風暴及2009年全球金融風暴重創流通卡一度驟減至三千萬張,但在僅有2300萬人口的台灣卻有35個金融機構發行信用卡的特殊市場環境下,銀行業者對於每次衝擊後的復原異常的快速,也造就了市場的過度競爭,每個產品週期都被迫受到壓縮,各銀行為搶佔市佔率,不得不一直推出各式『市場第一』及『市場最佳』的優惠、技術及服務來持續創造並滿足消費者需求。 商業模式創新發生在市場競爭的各個面向,近幾年隨著各種資訊管道的發達,民眾對於各家銀行所推出的信用卡產品內容越能做出比較,選擇亦愈發多元,本研究即是針對萬事達卡國際組織如何在競爭的台灣信用卡產業中進行服務創新進行深入探討。本研究使用個案研究法,套用商業模式創新四要素,(1)顧客價值主張(Customer Value Proposition);(2)利潤公式(Profit Formula);(3)關鍵資源(Key Resources)及(4)關鍵流程(Key Processes),深入探討個案中的國際組織在台灣商業模式創新的歷程與實務。此外,近年來隨著全球網路化、電子化的趨勢,信用卡已逐漸從傳統僅為「塑膠貨幣」這樣的產品定位轉型為結合各種介面及載具如電子商務、行動支付等金流解決方案,而在整個產業轉型的過程中個案如何掌握趨勢的脈動並透過創新概念開創新藍海也可作為日後信用卡產業發展的參考。


Taiwan Credit Card market is more like a full competition market with 35 card issuers competing for merely a 23 million people market. It only took around 8 years for the number of issued credit card to reach a record-high in 2006 with around 46 million cards from around 10 million cards in 1998, in spite of the number ever dropped to 30 million due to the ‘cash card & credit card crisis’ in 2005 and the financial crisis in 2009. Under this full competition market, Taiwan banks and card issuers have demonstrated great recovery capability from each market impacts with various successful business models. In order to grab more market share in short product life cycles, banks and card issuers continue to launch so-called ‘market leader’ and ‘best of the market’ campaigns to create and satisfy consumers’ needs with better technologies and services. Innovative business models were created in various aspect of market competition. Along with more available information channels, people more easily retrieve credit card product contents from banks, to make their own decisions from multiple choices. The objective of this study is to have in-depth research on how MasterCard organization provide innovative services to compete in Taiwan credit card industry. This study is using the case study methodology with the following four elements of Business Model Innovation: (1) Customer Value Proposition; (2)Profit Formula;(3) Key Resources and (4)Key Processes to examine the real practices of the innovative business models from the international credit card organization in this study, and these successful models could be for other credit card issuers’ reference. Moreover, along with the trend in global internet transition have been gradually transforming from traditional “plastic money” into cash flow solutions with various interfaces and carriers, such as e-commerce, and mobile payment. During this paradigm shift, how to seize the market trend timely and develop innovative products for blue-sea market in this case study is believed to provide a valuable reference for credit card industry development in the future.


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