  • 學位論文


The Value Creation with Business Models of Cultural Industries: A Case Study of Neutron Innovation (BVI) Ltd

指導教授 : 陳忠仁


文化創意產業在台灣的發展,特別是流行音樂這一塊,已經被認為是生活型態重要的一部份。然而,傳統的音樂產業受到數位音樂的衝擊,影響包括營收大幅下降、營運轉型等。同時,體驗經濟模式的興起卻也提供了音樂產業發展的新契機,包括生活型態以及新的消費模式,都是可創造價值的。 因此,本研究透過業界知名公司--中子創新公司的個案分析,瞭解音樂產業以生活型態為主要基底的商業模式變化。本研究分析包括中子創新公司如何進入新的利基市場,如何面對數位音樂的競爭,並將生活型態轉變為可獲取商業價值的商業模式。 關於個案中子創新公司創造價值的四個主要策略,說明如下: 1. 聚焦在獨立音樂以及其版權; 2. 創造展演性質的活動(如:簡單生活節)以及其通路; 3. 鑲嵌進入內容提供的供應鏈,尤其是行動數位的部分; 4. 強化商業模式的整合。 本研究同時針對個案公司的價值創造,以及未來經營策略(尤其是平台策略)提出改善與建議。


The development of cultural and creative industries in Taiwan, especially the pop-music sector has been considered an important part of life style. However, the traditional music industry is facing the challenge from digital music, the impacts include a dramatically sales decreasing, the transformation of traditional business model, etc. Meanwhile, the emerging of experience economy is shaping new life style and new consumption behavior, which brings new opportunities for whole music industry. Thus, this study used one of the famous cultural and creative company, the Neutron Innovation (BVI) Ltd., for analyzing the business model of music and related life style based businesses. The analysis identifies how BVI enter new niche market and how to face the competition, and how BVI turned a profit by business model transformation. In addition, there are also explanations for value creation approaches. The results shows there are four major changes in BVI value creation: 1. Focus on independent music and the intellectual property; 2. Create life style based curation(e.g. simple life festival) and channel; 3. Embedded in content supply chain, especially in mobile context; 4. Strengthen the integration for all businesses. This research also summarizes the succeed value creation strategy via above four major changes and provides suggestions to improve the platform strategy for the company.


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