  • 學位論文


A Study of Detection of Islanding Events for Taiwan Power System

指導教授 : 劉志文




Power system islanding disturbance is one of the most severe consequences of wide-area system failures. The purpose of this thesis is to propose an islanding contingency detecting and warning scheme to detect whether there is an islanding scenario in the power grid. The islanding contingency detecting and warning scheme can help power monitoring personnel detect the islanding operation immediately. It also enhances the power stability of the Taiwan grid. The proposed system in this study is based on the information collected by phasor measurement units which is applied to the islanding operation detection algorithm to detect the fault. The standard of phasor measurement unit and optimal PMU placement are analyzed and discussed. The PSS/E software is employed to simulate the islanding scenarios in Taiwan power grid and develop the algorithm in Matlab for judgment of the islanding operation.


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