  • 學位論文


A Paradigm and Turning Point of “Hsieh-Yi” Flower Paintings: A Study of Hsu Wei’s “Flowers and Bamboo”

指導教授 : 石守謙




This Study is about the “Paradigm Shift” of “Hsieh-Yi Flower Painting”(寫意花卉)in early modern China, focuses on Hsu Wei’s(徐渭) “Flowers and Bamboo”(花竹圖) in National Palace Museum and “Sixteen Flowers” (十六花姨圖)in Philadelphia Museum of Arts. In the first, combs out and concludes from the original module of “hsieh-yi” flower paintings before Hsu Wei, confirming the original paradigm of this painting class could be settled on Monk Muqi(牧谿)at late Southern Sung, discussing the development and variants since then. Secondly, establishing Hsu’s painting style by re-organize his biography, relationships and famous art works. By comparing two of the most similar hanging scrolls — “Flowers and Bamboos” and “Sixteen Flowers”, summed up the re-construction and re-definition of “Hsieh-Yi” flower painting in Hsu’s hand, who established the Neo-Paradigm of this painting class. At last, discussing a group composed of literal painters who sell their works for living in Qing Dynasty, inherited Hsu’s style and spread to the art market since Mid-Qing .


2000 〈題畫文學研究概述〉,《中國文哲研究通訊》10.1,頁215-252。
2000 《潑墨仙人圖研究:兼論禪宗繪畫》,台北:法鼓文化。
2007 Empire of Great BrightnessVisual and Material Cultures of Ming China, 1368-1644.
2006 Parting the Mists: Discovering Japan and the Rise of National-Style Painting in Modern
