  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Remediation Approaches for Contaminated Groundwater in Metal-rich Geological Settings

指導教授 : 吳先琪


國內部分污染場址因屬於金屬富集的地質,曾發生因整治活動,造成岩層中金屬溶出,進而污染地下水之案例。本研究選擇一受鎳富集玄武岩地質因素影響之地下水污染場址,並採用地球化學模式PHREEQC做為模擬工具。模式參數設定考慮其地質條件及地下水水質條件,同時利用前人完成之實驗室結果,進行模式校正,並利用2014年10月之地下水監測數據,進行模式驗證,建構本研究區域之特有之地球化學環境模型。 化學平衡狀態及傳輸過程模擬結果顯示,pH及EDTA是導致玄武岩中鎳釋出之控制因子。注藥過程中,會使得地下水體呈現極端環境(酸性環境),當停止注藥時,又將恢復至原有情況。而EDTA在地下水中扮演類似穩定劑的角色,亦即當地下環境回復至原有情況時,地下水中鎳仍可持續停留在地下水體中,故螯合劑之加入劑量是本研究區域玄武岩鎳溶出之敏感控制因子。未來碰到類似富集金屬地質之區域,可利用此模型找出適合該區域之污染整治方案。 對於處理本區域地下水中鎳污染問題,模擬結果顯示,採用化學處理法,可注入Ca(OH)2溶液至受鎳污染區域,是合適整治方案之一。當然,此工法亦可搭配物理性之抽取與處理法(pump & treat),更可達到事半功倍之效,且避免污染團因注藥過程中往外擴散。惟澎湖地區屬於裂隙地層,地下水透水係數小,且相互流通性不佳。不管是抽出法或注入法,若欲獲得較佳之處理成效,於抽注井場規劃上,應盡量佈設密度較高之井數目,亦即井跟井之間距離不宜過長,唯有如此,才能有效克服本區域之地質限制。


PHREEQC 玄武岩 地下水污染整治


A petroleum–chemical contaminated groundwater aquifer influenced by geological features of nickel-rich basalt was studied with geochemical simulation that employed the PHREEQC program. The parameter settings were based on local geological characteristics and the conditions of the real groundwater. Previous laboratory results were employed for model calibration, and model validation was conducted with real groundwater monitoring data to construct the site specific geochemical model. The simulation results indicate that both pH and ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) were controlling factors for the release of nickel from the basalt. Injection of chemicals transformed the groundwater body into an extreme environment; however, the groundwater returned to its former state after injection was terminated. Because EDTA played a role of a stabilizer for aqueous metal species in the groundwater, it is believed to be a sensitive controlling factor on the release of nickel from basalt rocks in this region. In the future, this model can be used to analyze alternatives of pollution remediation approaches when other metal-rich regions are encountered. The simulations of several treatment approaches for the removal of nickel in the groundwater revealed that chemical treatment by injecting a Ca(OH)2 solution is an appropriate approach. When combined with pump-and-treat method, the treatment can prevent spreading of pollutants during the injection. However, care should be taken for the planning of the location and number of pumping and injecting wells.


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