  • 學位論文

用Domain Wall費米子探討晶格點量子色動力學裡的強 子質譜

Hadron Spectrum in Lattice QCD with Two Flavors Domain Wall Fermion

指導教授 : 趙挺偉


量子色動力學(Quantum Chromodynamics)是研究強作用力的基礎理論,而晶格 點量子色動力學(Lattice QCD)——將時空視為不連續的晶格來研究量子色動力學 ——是由第一原理出發,用非微擾方式解QCD的最可靠方法。 在這篇論文中,我 們使用趙挺偉教授所計算的夸克傳播子來研究強子的質譜。 即使π介子(pion)的質 量在這些系統比實驗值重,我們仍然可以在晶格大小為243 × 48下,計算出由魅夸 克(charm quark)和奇夸克(strange quark)組成的介子和重子質量。這些質量也與 高能實驗結果符合。


Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is the fundamental theory for the strong interaction inside the nucleus, and lattice QCD (formulating QCD on a discrete space-time lattice) is the most viable way to solve QCD nonperturbatively from the first principles. In this thesis, using the quark propagators computed by Professor Ting-Wai Chiu, we perform an exploratory study of the hadron mass spectrum in lattice QCD with optimal domain-wall fermion, in 2-flavors QCD on the 243 × 48 lattice. Even the pion masses of these gauge ensembles are unphysically heavy, after extrapolation to Mπ = 140 MeV, the mass spectra of the mesons and baryons containing charm and strange quarks are in good agreement with the high energy experimental results.


[1] T. W. Chiu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 071601 (2003) [hep-lat/0209153].
[2] T. W. Chiu, Phys. Lett. B 716, 461 (2012) [hep-lat/0303008].
[3] C. Gattringer and C. B. Lang, Quantum chromodynamics on the lattice: an
introductory presentation, (Springer, 2009)
[4] H. B. Nielsen and M. Ninomiya, Phys. Lett. B 105, 219 (1981).
