  • 學位論文

外國私募股權基金投資我國企業之研究 —以外資審查為中心

Regulations and Business of Foreign Private Equity Fund —Foreign Investment Regulation Systems

指導教授 : 曾宛如


按我國之外國人投資審查制度被外國投資人批評為審查不具透明性且否決理由不明確,而我國主管機關於近期重大外國私募股權基金參與之投資案件中又多表達對於外資之疑慮,是以本文以外國私募股權基金為研究主軸,文分三部分。第一部分以管理學角度嘗試理解私募股權基金之營運模式與其風險生成原因,此部分包含理解私募股權基金之併購動機、獲利因素與退場方式。第二部分則分析外國私募股權基金的投資可能對我國造成的風險,包含美國與英國如何看待此等風險,另以外國人投資審查的角度觀察美國與英國又如何對外國私募股權基金的投資進行規範以作為比較法之研究。第三部分以英國Takeover Panel之公開收購制度為借鏡,本文指出我國或可參考其組織設計之彈性且極富效率之特性,以健全我國投資環境吸引外國人投資。 本文研究結果顯示,私募股權基金對於接受投資國之主要風險肇因於利用標的公司進行槓桿舉債後所隱含的違約破產風險,而此等風險之控制有賴於我國金融監理機構加強本土銀行融資放貸之審核,非禁止外國私募股權金之投資。又對於我國投審會時常受政治因素干預行政中立性,本文建議可效仿美國及英國之法制,除涉及國家安全因素外,不對外資收購進行審查及限制。


The foreign investment regulatory process in Taiwan has been criticized for its abuse of power and arbitral decisions. This article sets out to assess the foreign investment regulations upon the foreign private equity funds in Taiwan. The argument here is that the current regulation system should be more open to foreign investment. Part 1 describes the risks entail in the foreign private equity investments. By looking through the business practice of the funds, this article analysis the business model of the PE investments and their impact. Part 2 points out that comparing to the United States’ and United Kingdom’s foreign investment regulations, it is better for Taiwan to withdraw some of the requirements for foreign investors. Part 3 takes the Takeover Panel of the United Kingdom for example to explain a better way to regulate foreign takeovers in Taiwan.


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