  • 學位論文


Under the Dome:Constructing the Environmental Risk of Fine Particulate Matter and Analyzing the Governance in Central Taiwan

指導教授 : 周桂田




In recent years, a series of issues of air pollution environmental risk have posed serious concerns in Taiwan Society. The debate over air pollution caused by Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) involves not only the environmental risks, but also the influence of people’s health. Over time, air pollution in Taiwan is extending unbalancedly, becoming serious in South and relatively slight in North, especially severe in Central and Southern areas. Therefore, from the above situation, the thesis tries to understand the environmental risks of air pollution continuously happening; at the same time, observes and discusses the regulatory procedures and the policy contexts made by the government upon the issue. The research aims at describing and bringing out the situation about environment injustice of air pollution in Taiwan. Combining the perspectives of risk society with other conceptions and theories from environment justice, regulatory science, science uncertainty, and precautionary principle, the thesis examines the governmental regulatory patterns of Fine Particulate Matter environmental risks and tries to understand the regulatory process of government. Moreover, from discoursing the process, the article finds out how the country constructs the environmental injustice of air pollution through the mode of regulatory policy. In the second part of the thesis, discussing the issue of the air pollution environmental risks under the environment justice principle, the research selects two representative regions as a case study in order to deeply recognize the reality and practical situation in the contaminated areas. In the case study, the article analyzes the objective backgrounds of air pollution from each chosen region, and then profoundly observes how the environment injustice of air pollution is constructed; furthermore, based on the environment justice perspective, studies how local social power makes up for the insufficiency of governmental regulation while facing air pollution. Lastly, the research has further discussion how to implement environment justice and provides a better policy system for environment practice and governance.


