  • 學位論文


Fluidized bed pellet reactor based on particle growth models

指導教授 : 吳哲夫




Wastewater treatment has been a significant issue in modern society, typical process including chemical precipitation, which generates large amounts of water-rich sludge that has to be disposed of with increasing costs. The major advantage of using a fluidized pellet bed for crystallization process is the production of small amount of water-free and reusable pellets without extra sludge. Another characteristic of the FBPR is that fluidization of pellets provides large crystallization surface, so that the process operates at high rate and high efficiency. Shiau et al, 2001[1] proposed a mathematical model to simulate concentration and crystal size profile inside a fluidized pellet bed reactor. In this thesis, we first introduce Shiau’s model to describe the crystallization process in a fluidized pellet bed reactor. Then we apply this model with MATLAB to examine several chemical systems to see how the experimental variables change with time and positions. Next, a general reactor design procedure is built according to the simulation results of the model. We can determine some basic parameters and run the model to see if the outlet consequences meet our goal under certain initial conditions. It provides us many useful information in reactor design and gives general features about a FPBR. It’s also applicable to practical industrial processes.


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