  • 學位論文


Marketing Talent Index-Taking Thirteen Universities as an Example

指導教授 : 任立中


本研究主要的目的在於探討行銷天賦指標的建立與分析。本研究以動態能耐理論為基礎,並配合既有的行銷能耐指標調查,經過改良及再設計將指標應用於測量個體的行銷天賦表現,藉由行銷天賦指標探討學術機構整體的行銷能力優劣勢,再針對不同的表現結果給予不同的行銷教育的策略。希望能針對此次實證研究,發展出實用且合適衡量學術機構行銷能耐水準的工具。 本研究針對全台十三間大專院校為實證調查對象,衡量各大專院校的行銷天賦水準,並分析在不同行銷天賦水準下的表現。研究問卷設計主要參考過往行銷能耐指標資料,差異之處則是將題目轉換成行銷天賦的問卷內容。研究方法則不同於以往的研究,此次研究採用主成分分析、交叉分析以及知覺定位圖來探討行銷天賦之四大構面:產業面、推廣面、市場研究面、顧客關係面,最後配合理想點瞭解各學術機構的表現,佐以學術平均成績做進一步的分析應用。 基於大專院校學生的回饋問卷調查,結果發現:此次十三間大專院校在不同學校間,所得到的行銷能耐構面有差異,並且於表現較差的行銷天賦水準進一步的改善,對於學習成果會有幫助。


Management and marketing literature has focused on issues related to environmental effects upon a company, and less of them pick academic institutions as their study object. Integration of theory and a model modification considering an academic institution’s capabilities or contextual factors to reduce inference biases is necessary. Hence, the goal of this research focus on building Marketing Talent Index and doing academic analysis, and also develop a useful and adaptable tool to measure Marketing Talent level of academic institutions based on the theory of Organization Capability, Market Orientation and Dynamic Capabilities. Taking thirteen universities as an example, Marketing Talent could show how differences among these universities. At the same time, this study apply cross-analysis, perceptual mapping and regression and combine with students’ academic performance for further investigating advanced four sectors of Marketing Talent Index. Through a series of data transformation and data visualization, the results demonstrate that these universities have different unique academic developments in different Marketing Talent attributes, and exist significant variation among universities. Therefore, the manager of each university could evaluate the situation of their own and observe other academic institutions’ strengths and map out the strategic position of their own. Then, those academic institutions can set up their own educational strategy.


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