  • 學位論文


The Habitat Preference of Frogs at Sub-urban Ecological Ditch

指導教授 : 張文亮


人類社會發展造成許多天然濕地的消失,也使得許多水生及水陸兩棲生物失去賴以維生的家園,為進行物種復育,以人工濕地營造作為棲地補償已逐漸受到重視。臺灣有相當多兩棲生物相關研究,但對於人工棲地內兩棲物種的族群分布與棲地偏好等研究相當少。為了解兩棲類生物在都市人工濕地中的族群分布以及環境因子偏好,作為日後棲地管理及棲地營造之參考,本研究以永建生態教育園區作為研究樣區,以樣區內的六種地棲蛙類為研究對象,探討這些地棲蛙類對於生態草溝的棲地偏好性。   整體調查結果顯示澤蛙及拉都希氏赤蛙為主要的蛙類族群。其中以澤蛙族群在四個水域分布最平均,拉都希氏赤蛙主要分布於P1及P2,腹斑蛙、貢德氏赤蛙及小雨蛙主要分布於P1,黑眶蟾蜍則主要分布於P4。以常態分佈方式探討地棲蛙類對於環境溫度與相對濕度的偏好,結果顯示澤蛙、腹斑蛙、貢德氏赤蛙及黑眶蟾蜍偏好氣溫介於23 °C至28 °C之間,且以貢德氏赤蛙與腹斑蛙偏好溫度最高,澤蛙與黑眶蟾蜍居中;拉都希氏赤蛙的偏好氣溫介於20 °C至25 °C之間;小雨蛙偏好溫度介於23 °C至25 °C之間。   微棲地調查中以因素分析共萃取四個共同因素:植株高度因素、土壤因素、小礫石因素與含水量因素。拉都希氏赤蛙與腹斑蛙在空間分布上有相當高的重疊,偏好坡度高、植株高的樣點;黑框蟾蜍則偏好坡度低、植株低的樣點;澤蛙與貢德氏赤蛙在各樣點內分布相當平均,並沒有特別偏好的微棲地因子。


In Taiwan, There are many studies related to amphibians, but quite few focus on the species distribution and habitat preference of them in artificial habitats. The loss of many natural wetlands caused by the development of human society, and also making many aquatic and amphibious animals lose their habitat. For the purpose of species diversity, the construction of the created wetlands as a compensation way for habitat loss will get more and more attention. In order to understand the species distribution of amphibians in urban constructed wetlands and the environmental factors affecting their habitat, as a reference for habitat management and habitat construction in future. This research takes Yongjian Ecological Education Park in Taipei as the study area, where the amphibians were selected as research objects to investigate their habitat preference.  The overall survey showed that Fejervarya limnocharis and Hylarana latouchii are the main populations in this study area. Among them, the population of the F. limnocharis distributed evenly in these four wetlands. H. latouchii was mainly distributed in P1 and P2. Babina adenopleura, Hylarana guentheri and Microhyla fissipes were mainly distributed in P1, while Duttaphrynus melanostictus was mainly distributed in P4.  The results of normal distribution for ambient temperature and the related humidity showed that F. limnocharis, B. adenopleura, H. guentheri and D. melanostictus preferred the temperature ranging from 23 °C to 28 °C. And the preference temperature of B. adenopleura, H. guentheri were the highest, the preference temperature of F. limnocharis and D. melanostictus were lower than these two species. The preference temperature of H. latouchii was between 20 °C and 25 °C. And M. fissipes preferred the temperature ranging from 23 °C to 25 °C.  We used factor analysis to find their micro-habitat preference, and there are four common factors, including the factor of plant height, soil, gravel and water content. The results showed that H. latouchii and B. adenopleura in the wetland are highly overlap in the spatial scale. Both of them preferred the sites with deep slope and higher height of plants. And D. melanostictus preferred the sites with gentle slope and lower height of plants. We found no particular preference factor of F. limnocharis and H. guentheri, because both of them distributed evenly in all sites.


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