  • 學位論文


Welcome to the Brave New World

指導教授 : 紀蔚然
共同指導教授 : 童偉格(Wei-Ge Tong)




獨生 中國 劇本 何齊 政治


This thesis consists of two parts: t "Welcome to the Brave New World" (the whole play)and my self-created report.The play focuses on a very ordinary single-child family and describes two other same ordinary single-child families. These nuclear families are healthy, stable and happy, everyone from it close, equal and loving. But such a good life comes at a price. No matter how steady it is, the family is always full of pressures and a desire of breaking free. In every single second, these emotions keep on producing and effecting. By describing these scenarios, this play attempts to explore three basic questions: what it is to maintain a single-child Chinese family? How does the effects of being and having a "only-child" permeate the society, and perhaps, what it might eventually transform to. My self-created report focuses on the analysis of the play, which includes a critique of the play from a literary perspective and a discussion of how to extend a private problem to a more general human experience.Key word: single-child;China;plays;He Qi;Polotics;


single-child China plays He Qi Politics


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《厄運之地》,[英]東尼.賈德(Judt, Tony) 著,區立遠譯,新北市:左岸文化,2014
《液態之愛 : 論人際紐帶的脆弱 》 [英]齊格蒙.包曼(Bauman,Zygmunt)著,何定照、高瑟濡譯,台北市:商周城邦文化出版,2007
