  • 學位論文


Two-variable Block Dual Coordinate Descent Methods for Large-scale Linear Support Vector Machines

指導教授 : 林智仁




Coordinate descent (CD) methods have been a state-of-the-art technique for training large-scale linear SVM. The most used setting is to solve the dual problem of an SVM formulation without the bias term, for which the CD procedure of updating one variable at a time is very simple and easy to implement. In this thesis, we extend the one-variable setting to use two variables at each CD step. The extension, while looks simple, is not trivial. Some complicated derivations are needed to get a simple CD procedure. Our resulting algorithm is generally competitive with one-variable CD and is superior for difficult problems. We further discuss the two-variable CD for the standard SVM formulation with a bias term. The analysis shows that CD methods are less effective for this SVM formulation, a situation very different from that of kernel SVM. Thus the success of simple one-variable CD in the past decade is not a coincidence. Some design choices such as the SVM formulation considered help to make it computationally efficient. Overall this thesis sheds many new insights on CD methods for training linear SVM.


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