  • 學位論文


The Effects of Disclosure Timing and Information Sidedness on Product Attitude of Sponsored User-Generated Content

指導教授 : 簡怡雯


本篇論文主要研究消費者在閱讀業配部落格文章時,不同廠商贊助訊息的揭露時間對產品態度的影響,並在資訊單面或雙面型態是否會有不同效果。實驗中,操弄贊助訊息的揭露在文章開頭、文章結尾、沒有揭露,以此衡量受測者對產品的態度,調節變數則為單面訊息與雙面訊息,並將受測者隨機分配至此六種不同的狀況。本研究結果顯示,在受測者皆為高涉入的狀態下,1) 當文章中有贊助揭露訊息時,會比沒有揭露訊息,較可能對產品態度往負面方向去調整。2) 與過去實驗結果不同之處在於,在雙面訊息之狀態下不一定會有較佳的產品態度,若負面資訊數量少、比重低,則受測者的產品態度會與在單面訊息之狀態下無差異。若廠商欲透過業配文章提升消費者的產品態度,則可選擇業配文章的狀態為負面資訊比重不低的雙面訊息。此結果對實務上的業配文章行銷操作有所助益。


The current research mainly discussed the corrective effects of disclosure in sponsored user-generated content in the settings of blog. Our experiment is designed to investigate the effects of prior disclosure, after disclosure and no disclosure on product attitude, with the moderation of information sidedness: one-sided vs. two-sided information. The results show that under high involvement, both prior disclosure and after disclosure make people more likely to correct their judgements of a sponsored user-generated content to negative direction than no-disclosure condition. Moreover, if the amount and importance of negative information is low and trivial, the product attitude in two-sided information condition would be no different from that of in one-sided information condition.


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