  • 學位論文


Professional Social Workers’ viewpoints on the Development of Social Work in Mainland China:The Case of N City’s Social Workers

指導教授 : 古允文


中國大陸社會工作是從西方移植而來,近幾年,雖在政府的扶持下取得了不錯的進展,可現階段出現的社工人才流失率大、社工學生學用落差大等問題依舊困擾著社會工作專業的發展,且不少中小城市在社工發展上相較北上廣深地區會面臨到更多困境,理應被引起重視。因此本研究決定選取N市作為中小城市的代表作為本研究之場域,運用質性研究的深度訪談法,從高校教育、職場環境及專業認同這三個層面對N市8位專業社會工作者的主觀經驗加以探究,以此來探討大陸社會工作的專業發展狀況。 本研究採用了「政策轉移」及「社會工作知識生產模式」這兩個理論觀點作為視角切入。通過「外來引進模式下所培養出的專業社會工作者」對目前大陸社會工作專業發展的相關看法及其當前處境和限制,來清晰看到目前政府參考制定的一系列制度措施是否符合中國本土發展趨勢,並結合專業社工在職場調適歷程中所產出的新的知識建構,來反思大陸社會工作專業發展的未來。 本研究發現,社工專業價值、高校教育及職場實務是互相影響的,社工教育及職場環境都能有效形塑專業社工的專業認同,強專業認同會對專業發展有強促進作用。只不過,西方傳入的社工發展模式無法確實與中國大陸的環境相容,無論是社工高校的教育培養體系還是職場組織環境都存在不少問題和限制。可見大陸社會工作從西方轉移而來的過程中並沒有充足考量到自身的政治、經濟、社會、文化等環境因素,導致外來的服務模式不能完全適用,可謂是失靈的轉移。不過,專業社工的高專業認同卻能幫助他們不斷調適,以構建出符合現實發展的、知行合一的好方法。這不僅能為穩固、壯大社會工作人才提供建設性建議,也能為未來的社會工作專業發展方向構建新的模型。可見,國家應促進社會工作者的專業教育培訓,並提高對專業社會工作人才的重視,從他們的經驗出發,完善國家政策體制,為社會工作專業發展創造更穩定的環境。


Social work in mainland China was transplanted from the west. In recent years, although great progress has been made under the support of the government, many problems such as the high turnover rate of social workers, as well as the gap between learning and applying social work expertise, have still plagued the development of social work profession. Moreover, many small and medium-sized cities have encountered more difficulties in social work development than megacities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, which should be taken seriously. Therefore, the author determined to choose N city as the representative of the small and medium-sized cities as the field of this research, utilizing qualitative research in-depth interview method to explore the subjective experience of 8 professional social workers in N city in terms of college education, workplace environment and professional identity, and meanwhile discussing the professional development of social work in mainland China. The author utilized two theoretical viewpoints involving ‘policy transfer’ and ‘social work knowledge production mode’ as the major perspectives. This research aims to examine the current situation and limitation in the development of social work profession through the lens of ‘professional social workers who were trained under external schema’, thereby discussing whether current measures formulated by the government were in compliance with the localization process in China. In addition, professional knowledge constructed by social workers during their adaptation to workplace was also investigated to reflect on the future professional development of social work in mainland China. According to the research finding, the professional value of social work, college education and workplace practice interacted with one another. Social work education and workplace environment could effectively shape the professional identity of social workers, while strong professional identity could highly promote professional development. It should be noted that the external social work development model was found not compatible with the environment in mainland China. Without sufficient consideration of its own political, economic, social, cultural and other environmental factors, problems and limitations have arisen in both social work college education and workplace environment. That is to say, the social work system introduced from the west was found difficult to be directly and fully applied to China society, which could be regarded as a dysfunctional transfer. Yet, social workers’ high level of professional recognition managed to help them stick to their positions and develop better knowledge and practices which are more compatible with the reality. This could be seen as a valuable process in reaction to the dysfunctional transfer, and furthermore, it could also serve as a basis to provide constructive suggestions for localized model of social work and its future development. In conclusion, the government should not only promote professional education and training for social workers, but also put more emphasis and values on professional social workers’ opinions and experiences, so as to create a stabilized environment for the professional development of social work in China.


