  • 學位論文


Nodule Detection in Lung CT Using 3-D Capsule Network

指導教授 : 張瑞峰




In the past several years, lung cancer is the most common and one of the deadliest cancer. Early detection and diagnosis is the best way to reduce the lung cancer mortality rate and improve survival probability. Recently, the convolutional neural network (CNN), the most common architecture of deep learning, have become the state-of-the-art method in medical image analysis. For example, densely connected network (DenseNet) and residual network (ResNet) both achieve good performance with a small number of parameters by feature reuse. Although it has shown powerful performance in various computer vision fields, CNN still has some shortcomings such as the lack of spatial orientation information which will seriously affect the CNN's ability to recognize. A novel model, capsule network (CapsNet) had been proved effective in modeling spatial features with much fewer parameters in image classification and image segmentation. In addition, You Only Look Once (YOLO) is a powerful method for object detection tasks, which reduces computation time by simultaneously predicting bounding boxes and the class of target objects. To our knowledge, the CapsNet is not yet used as a base model for object detection in the current literature. The CapsNet has the ascendancy over CNN in the rotation of objects and would enhance the performance of 3-D object detection tasks. Therefore, in this study, a novel architecture, 3-D CapsNet with YOLO-like detection structure based on the capsule structure integrating skip connection inspired by ResNet and DenseNet, is proposed for lung nodule detection. In this architecture, the not-so-deep linear capsule network (s-Caps) altered based on the replacement of convolutional layer by CapsNet structure is also used to promote the detection performance. For evaluating system performance, the open dataset, Luna16, is used and the results show that the modified 3-D YOLO detection architecture can achieve better performance than other state-of-the-art approaches such as ResNet and DenseNet.


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