  • 學位論文


Establishing a Rapid Assessment Platform for Global-scale Spatial Transmission Risk of Mosquito-borne Diseases

指導教授 : 溫在弘


面對全球日益嚴峻的傳染疾病,如何讓全球疫情資訊快速且透明地傳遞,已成為公共衛生領域研究重點,而近十年來由於網路與資通訊技術的發展,以網路為基礎的傳染疾病監測系統成為重要的防疫決策支援系統工具。但現有以網路為基礎的傳染疾病監測系統仍有許多資訊空缺,無法滿足使用者的需求。因此本研究1.建立自動化即時疫情蒐集系統。2. 整合多元蚊媒傳染疾病傳播影響因子,發展全球尺度的蚊媒傳染病空間傳播風險評估方法。3. 建立全球尺度的蚊媒傳染疾病即時風險地圖平台系統,將全球蚊媒傳染疾病即時疫情風險評估結果,以及蚊媒傳染疾病傳播的影響因子,透過地圖與視覺化方法呈現於用戶友好的網站平台。研究結果表明,此系統可做為各層級公衛防疫單位支決策支援參考,也可提升一般使用者對蚊媒傳染疾病之防疫認知。


As global infectious diseases getting worse and worse, the rapid and transparent transmission of global disease information has become the crucial topic of research nowadays. Due to the development of IoT in the last decade, Web-based infectious disease surveillance systems become important tools for decision support system. However, there is still plenty of missing neglected information in the web-based infectious disease surveillance systems today, causing the system to fail to meet the need of users. Therefore this thesis targets at constructing an automatic real time diseases collect system, integrating multiple influence factor of mosquito-borne disease to develop a global-scale spatial transmission risk of mosquito-borne disease assessment method, and establishing a rapid assessment platform for global-scale spatial transmission risk of mosquito-borne diseases, which present the real time assessment of risk of global mosquito-borne diseases and the influence factor of mosquito-borne diseases through map and visual way on a user-friendly web platform. The result of research shows that the system can be utilized by epidemic prevention unit of all levels of public health institution for support and reference, meanwhile increase the epidemic prevention cognition of mosquito-borne disease of normal users.


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