  • 學位論文


Investigating the role of C. elegans BLMP-1 in vesicle trafficking in the intestinal cell

指導教授 : 吳益群




Membrane trafficking is an important and complicated mechanism in all cells. The counterbalancing action of endocytosis and exocytosis maintains a dynamic equilibrium that regulates the composition of the plasma membrane as well as the level and localization of membrane proteins. E-cadherins which are regulated by membrane trafficking are adherens junctional molecules important for tissue organization and integrity. BLMP-1 is an evolutionarily conserved transcriptional factor which mostly functions as a repressor. Previous studies have shown that BLMP-1 regulates the timing of specific developmental events including ecdysone induced developmental pathway in Drosophila and distal tip cells migration in C. elegans. In our studies, we used investigated blmp-1 function in C. elegans. Interestingly, we observed that E-cadherin proteins are mislocalized in the epidermis of the blmp-1 mutant. We hypothesized the E-cadherin abnormality might be due to defects in vesicle trafficking. We employed RAB-related reporters to dissect vesicle trafficking steps. The data showed that inactivation of blmp-1 by RNA interference caused the decrease of rab-11-related recycling vesicles, theaccumulation of lysosome-related organelles and the increase of late endosomal vesicles as well as lysosomes. Further, we found that the P-glycoprotein, which localizes to the apical surface of intestinal cells, were decreased in blmp-1(RNAi) mutants. This result indicated that the defects of vesicle trafficking in blmp-1(RNAi) mutants affected the localization of membrane proteins. Altogether, our results suggested that BLMP-1 affects vesicles trafficking in the intestine.


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