  • 學位論文

社群公共領域的性別思考:以 PTT 八卦板為研究案例

The thoughts on gender of social media as public sphere: A case study of PTT Gossip

指導教授 : 林照真


PTT 是目前台灣使用人次最多、最具代表性的網路社群論壇。PTT 社群長期吸 引大量臺灣年輕民眾加入,因而建構出極大規模的社群,各種類型的話題都能 在 PTT 上發問、推文、回覆,激盪出討論的熱潮。加上社群平台即時性互動的 高效率,使 PTT 成為台灣最大的網路討論空間,頗能反映公共領域原型。對女 性議題卻未必如此。 本論文以 PTT 最大、也是最熱門的八卦板為研究對象,分析其文章和留言,如 何再現性犯罪中的女性角色、母職及妻職、人生觀與愛情觀以及女權等議題。 檢視這個以男性為主的社群平台(PTT 八卦板),能否理性溝通女性議題。 經過文本分析,本研究有以下發現:八卦板上有關性犯罪事件的再現,主要以女性誣告的新聞主題為大宗,文章的回覆和留言內容呈現「男性加害者無罪」、甚至「男性才是受害者」的觀點。八卦板上的鄉民也會用「母豬」和「台女」這兩個負面標籤,形容與傳統價值觀相左的女性,試圖重塑女性服從男性的傳統價值。 本論文深度訪談男性鄉民,發現八卦板上的言論和性別意識,是由八卦板上的多數使用者-男性鄉民共同營造。他們期待在板上尋求認同和關注,所以以「批評女性」為主題的內容引起廣大男性共鳴。另外,鄉民們的線下生活,也影響了八卦板上,討論女性議題的氛圍和性別意識的呈現。 綜合兩種研究方法後,本論文發現在八卦板討論女性議題的情況,仍然看到太多情緒性發言,不但讓女性的線上形象變得單一而扁平,也顯現出男性鄉民線下生活不安焦慮的一面。


社群網路 公共領域 PTT 八卦板 性別角色


PTT is currently the most used online forum and the most representative discussion community in Taiwan. This forum has attracted a large amount of Taiwanese’ young generation to join, and these participants has thus constructed a very large-scale community. Various types of topics can be questioned, discussed, and replied on PTT, which has stirred up the discussion. Plus the high efficiency of instant interaction of the social media online, PTT has become Taiwan's largest online discussion space, which reminds people of its’ potential to become public sphere in this era, except the issues about women. This study takes PTT's largest and most popular board- Gossip as the research object, analyzes its posts and replies, how they reproduce female characters in sexual crimes incidents, the maternity and role of wives, their outlook of life and love, and the issue of feminism. Also to review if this online forum which is mainly composed of men can rationally communicate women's issues. After text analysis, the study has the following findings: the reproduce of sexual crimes on the gossip board, mainly based on the news subject of false accusation by women, the reply shows the point of view of “male assaulters are innocent” or even “men are the real victims”. In addition, the netizens on the gossip board often use the negative labels such as "sow" and "Taiwanese women" to describe women who are contrary to traditional values and try to reshape the traditional values of women obeying men. According to in-depth interviews with netizens on the gossip board, This research found that the speech and gender awareness on the gossip board are created by the majority of users on the Gossip board - male users. Their expectation of seeking approval and attention on the board, they tend to "criticize women" in order to resonate with others male users. In addition, their offline lives of the interviewees also affect the atmosphere of discussing women's issues and the gender awareness on Gossip board. Based on the results of the two research methods, this study found that in the discussion of women's issues on Gossip board, there are still too many emotional speeches, which not only makes women's image online become single and flat, but also shows that male has uneasy anxiety offline.


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