  • 學位論文


Computer-aided Analysis and Classification in Histopathology Images using Machine Learning

指導教授 : 張瑞峰




Pathology is a significant field in modern medical diagnosis for disease research. As an adjunct to pathological disease research, a digital pathology image has been used for evaluating suspicious abnormalities in the tissue specimen. In order to establish efficient diagnostic procedures, various computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems have been developed to assist pathologists. Prostate cancer has become a major health concern in aging males. For prostate cancer, whole-slide conventional stained tissue section slices are the most common imaging and are widely used on clinical examination and postoperative evaluation. In this study, the development of CAD system based histological characteristics can provide the result of malignant gland distribution. For the histological structure analysis, the CAD system is presented with several improvements. Consequently, the development of the CAD system based on deep learning and spatial statistics are increased to delineate malignancy regions. Furthermore, proteome topology is necessary for studying the spatial regulation of proteins and protein-protein interactions for the prediction of actual disease progression. Hence, an effective image registration algorithm to minimize position deviation in a serial overlays of whole-slide immunohistochemical (IHC) images. By image registration, different IHC-stained sections could be digitized, realigned and corrected local deformation to regain spatial correspondence. Protein-protein interaction can be thus screened to establish the proteome topology for providing pathologists with convenience and assist in analyzing disease development.


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