  • 學位論文


The Study of Taiwan Financial Services and Organization Transformation Roadmap in Digital Era

指導教授 : 陳顯武


網路及行動科技日新月異,數位化時代已經來臨,尤其隨著智慧型手機使用者數量之快速成長、網路普及率大增,人們的生活型態也隨之發生重大改變,對於金融業這種古老行業而言,其客戶行為與經營環境正面臨著極大的變化,因此探討數位科技對於金融業的衝擊實屬必要。 台灣傳統金融業也面臨極大挑戰,本研究依持著希望傳統業者都能發現自己全面轉型之路,從體質上、本質上轉成貼近消費者思維的創新事業,所以決定利用觀察台灣金融業組織轉型的心得,綜合個案研究,來印證了轉型路徑遵循通路轉型、營銷轉型、體質轉型、獲利轉型等四大階段,傳統金融業遭遇的困難與階段雖各有不同,但希望透過本研究的論述,歸納成台灣金融業的組織轉型最佳實務,同時展望未來可能需要克服的更新挑戰,達到真正的「數位轉型」,也期盼這樣的研究可以作為台灣金融業重要的轉型參考點。


The Internet and mobile technology are changing with each passing day, and the digital age has arrived. Especially with the rapid growth of the number of smartphone users and the increase in the penetration rate of the Internet, people's lifestyles have also changed significantly. For the financial industry, the oldest industry, its customer behavior and operating environment are facing great changes as well. So it is necessary to discuss about the impact of digital technology on the financial industry. The traditional financial industry in Taiwan is facing challenges. I hope that traditional players will find their way to a comprehensive transformation from a physicaloriented model to an innovative model according to consumer’s expectations. Therefore, I decided to use my observations on the leading company’s transformation pathway and look for if there is any generalized features from such cases. We have a hypothesis of transformation major stages: channel transformation, marketing methodology transformation, culture & capability transformation, and profit transformation. Although the difficulties and stages encountered by the traditional financial industry are different, I hope to summarize through the discussion in this research To become the best practice of the organizational transformation of Taiwan's financial industry, and at the same time look forward to the renewal challenges that may need to be overcome in the future to achieve a true "digital transformation". I also hope that such research can be used as an important reference point for Taiwan's financial industry.


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孫一仕(譯),Brett King(原著)(2013)。《BANK3.0—銀行轉型未來式》。臺北:財團法人臺灣金融研訓院。
