  • 學位論文


The first lesson of a teenage mom

指導教授 : 林樂群 陳毓文


本部深度影像報導作品主要探討「小媽媽」的未成年懷孕議題以及其面對生活劇變的正向心態轉折。 在近幾年,可以從網路及報章報導中看到,社會大眾對於「小媽媽」的單一框架論述及懷疑態度,質疑小媽媽們的「母親」能力。也因此在這樣的社會環境之下,「小媽媽」的生存變得極其困難。然而這樣武斷及污名化的論述方式,卻也對那些正向與積極育兒的「小媽媽」們造成了打擊及挫敗感。 此部影像作品主要分為兩個部分,第一部分為學術研究,探討台灣青少女懷孕的現況及其即將面對的困境,包含支持與協助。第二部分為深度影像報導,受訪者為一對原住民母女,兩位皆是在20歲前便已成為母親,透過長期的拍攝,觀者可以了解她們與社會傳統論述中的不同,自身轉折的心態才是最可貴的,那份真切對待孩子的心及愛其實並不能被環境及年紀而衡量。 影像報導中可以明顯佐證「在小媽媽的成長茁壯過程當中,原生家庭甚至社會的支持是不可或缺的。」而在後期專家的訪談內容中,也得到許多啟發。很多時候,她們只需要我們的一句鼓勵、溫暖的話語便可以更努力的在生活中前進,而作者也盼望能在「小媽媽」的社會議題當中,給予社會大眾一個新的啟發與觀察的角度。


In this in-depth documentary focuses on the issue of the fertility of young girls, which also means "little mom" and their positive mentality on facing drastic changes in life. In recent years, it can be seen from the Internet and newspaper that the public has a single frame of discourse and skepticism about "little mothers", questioning the ability of them. Therefore, under such a social environment, the survival of the "little mother" becomes extremely difficult. However, this arbitrary and stigmatized way of discussion has also hurt the "little mothers" who are positively and actively raising children. This in-depth documentary is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is academic research, which discusses the current state of pregnancy of young girls in Taiwan and the difficulties they are about to face, including support and assistance. The second part is an in-depth documentary. The interviewees are a pair of aboriginal mother and daughter, both of whom had become mothers before the age of 20. Through long-term shooting, viewers can understand the differences between them and traditional social discourses. The mentality of one's turning point is the most valuable. The heart and love of treating children really cannot be measured by the environment and age. The documentary proves that "in the process of the growth of the mother, the support of the original family and even the society is indispensable." In the documentary, we also received many inspirations from an expert that many times, they only need our encouragement and warm words to move forward in life, and I also hope to give the public a new perspective of inspiration and observation in the social issues of "little mother".


李佩珊(2016)。 〈一個未成年懷孕青少女案例的我思我想〉,《性別平等教育季刊》,74:20-24。
彭純芝(2010)。 〈「未成年懷孕」面面觀〉,《醫療品質雜誌》,4(6) :70-73。
蔡欄鑫、陳家玉、李孟智(2001)。 〈台中市青少女懷孕結果及其嬰兒健康狀況研究〉,《臺灣兒科醫學會雜誌 》, 42(3) : 151-157。
王雅倩 (2016)。 〈個人、人際和社經地位因素對早發性性行為的影響:台灣北部之世代研究〉,《臺灣性學學刊 》, 22(1) : 49-79。

