  • 學位論文


The Impacts of Reward Systems on the Inter-Team Cooperation in Information Technology NPD Projects

指導教授 : 江俊毅


此論文之目的在於檢驗在變化劇烈的環境下,從單一團隊專案延伸至多元團隊系統專案中的獎酬制度對於專案內跨單位團隊合作之影響。我們焦點探討在資訊產業中的新產品開發專案,其頻繁使用多元團隊系統專案來面對動盪的產業環境。根據產業特性,我們也檢驗任務新穎程度如何影響獎酬制度與跨團隊合作之關係。 此論文基於109份有效問卷調查發現 (1)單元團隊基礎之獎酬制度與多元團隊基礎之獎酬制度皆與最終多元團隊表現有正向相關;(2)單位團隊基礎之獎酬制度與跨單位團隊合作有正向相關;(3)任務新穎程度會強化單位團隊基礎之獎酬制度與跨單位團隊合作之關係。 此研究證實,獎酬制度延伸至多元團隊系統專案後對跨團隊合作之效果,並給予在資訊產業新產品開發實務面向的建議。最後,於研究限制方面也探討了未來可研究的方向。


This study is to examine the effect of reward structures on the inter-team cooperation extending from stand-alone team to multi-team system (MTS) under highly dynamic environment. We focus on the NPD projects in IT industry in which MTS are applied to copy with dynamic context. Additionally, this paper search for the moderating effect of task novelty on the relationship between reward structure and inter-team cooperation. A questionnaire survey with completed responses from 109 randomly selected IT companies in China is conducted, and PLS analyses are used to test hypotheses. Results showed that although both of reward structures are positively related to MTS performance, MTS-team-based reward is found to be positively associated with inter-team cooperation, but MTS-based reward has no significant relationship with inter-team cooperation. The moderating effect of task novelty strengthens the relationship between MTS-team-based reward and inter-team cooperation. Despite that there are limitations in this research, including the geographical and industry limitation and lack of differentiated reward types, this study provides first empirical evidence about the extension effect of reward systems from stand-alone team to MTS level and also gives NPD project managers suggestions to improve inter-team cooperation under highly dynamic environment.


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