  • 學位論文


Discussion on Solution Design for Weather Data Use

指導教授 : 陳家麟


對一般企業來說,天氣資料可應用於避免天氣現象造成的獲利減損;對一般人來說,則可以中和生活中因為天氣現象所帶來的不便,可說是具有相當價值的資產。在這篇研究中,我們將幫助一支具有豐富天氣資料、並且具備超前技術,能夠架構用AI演算法模型來做天氣預測的團隊。他們目前仍在解決方案打造的前期,而我們將從市場的角度,協助他們將解決方案商業化。 本研究採用半結構式的訪談作為研究方法,招募5位受訪者,並且根據他們具備的資格,分別讓他們參加相應的3個訪談,包括:給氣象專業研究員的訪談、給企業客戶的訪談,以及給個人用戶的訪談。我們使用價值主張畫布的理論,在調查企業客戶及個人用戶的任務、獲益和痛點之後,我們針對如何為他們打造有效的解決方案提出建議。此外,我們使用科學溝通策略作為指引,來發展改良使用者體驗的洞見,希望由此發展良好的顧客關係,並進一步開拓潛在的客戶群。


Weather data can be valuable assets in preventing profit loss caused by weather conditions for the business, and neutralizing the inconvenience in people’s daily lives. We encountered a research team, with abundant resources of weather data, cutting-edge technical ability of building AI model for weather forecast, and a solution plan. In this research, we would like to help them by providing our ideas from a business point of view. The formality of a semi-structured interview is adopted in the research. 5 participants were recruited, and according to their qualification, arranged to 3 sets of interview questions, respectively for meteorology researchers, potential business customers, and potential individual customers. We use Value Proposition Canvas to develop insights for solution design. After investigating customers’ jobs, gains, and pains, we provide recommendations on building effective solutions for business customers and individual customers respectively. In addition, Science Communication Strategy is also used as a guidance to develop insights for user experience improvement, enhance a sense of connection between the customers and the solution, and further grow the potential customer base.


[1] Weather, climate catastrophe insight, 2020 annual report, Aon Corporation
[2] Weather Forecasting Services research report, Marketwatch.com/press-release
[3] Speech, Minister of Transportation, 1st Taiwan Meteorological Industry Forum, cna.com.tw/news
[4] Example of website interface display, Windy.com
[5] Steps of illustrating Value Map and Customer Profile, ERADA Entrepreneurship Training
