  • 學位論文


Legal protection of sexual and gender minorities in Thailand : A Reform Proposal

指導教授 : 張文貞


性少數歧視議題,因社會的倡議與政策制定者的關注,儼然成為全球所需共同解決的議題。近年來,也有許多國家努力提出對應的保障政策。 在歷史上,部分國家認定同性戀為犯罪事實,甚至處以死刑或是性悖軌,包含泰國在內。但隨著國際人權組織倡議、性別多元化的意識抬頭,對於同性戀者處以的死刑、性別相關罰則有明顯減少,甚至在法律制度上被廢除的趨勢,轉而有更多對於性弱勢群體的保護。 即便如此,不同於異性戀中心本位所期待的特質,性少數群體的權益仍受到侵害,表示明文法律的訂定並不全然足以保障他們免於歧視。 因此,本篇論文將探討泰國法律體制下對於性弱勢群體的保障與歧視的相關法規,以此檢視泰國法律對於性少數族群權益保障缺漏之處。 此外,也提供性弱勢族群保障的法律修訂建議,以彰顯當今該群體在泰國社會遇到的問題,並增加對於性弱勢群體的保障,盼性弱勢群體也能和一般人一樣享有相同福祉。


Sexual diversity and gender variance have been an existential fact covertly appeared in every sphere of each country’s long history. Discrimination against sexual and gender minorities has been a wicked problem endlessly. Yet, it fortunately has raised to discuss and increasingly attracted the attention of activists and policymakers in various countries worldwide. In the last couple of decades, significant efforts have been apparently made by many states to abolish the punishment and strengthen the legal protection for these vulnerable people. Historically, there were a substantial number of countries stated homosexuality as a criminal offense and even imposed death penalty to sodomy, Thailand is one of such. However, the awareness of gender diversity has significantly raised up recently under very great support from various human rights international organizations. The death penalty for sodomy, punishments regarding homosexuality and discrimination against them are therefore gradually repealed and disappeared from legal system in most countries while more protections were brought into the table to serves them as a vulnerable group. Despite the progress made and more rumination on legal protection to sexual and gender minorities, their rights yet have been violated still due to their non-heteronormative behaviors. This could be a signal showing that legal protection has never been sufficient to protect them from the cruelty discrimination. Therefore, this study would explore on the legal protections provided for sexual and gender minorities under Thai laws and regulations to examine and point out some efficiencies or gaps of laws that need to be reviewed by the government. In addition, the reform proposal regarding the protection to sexual and gender minorities will also be provided herewith in order to respond to the ongoing problems and propose a potential suggestion to advance the protection, ease the pressure of discrimination and prevent the violation of human rights for the greatest benefit of LGBT community and the whole society.


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