  • 學位論文


The Association Between Paternal and Maternal Psychological Victimization, Peer Bully, and Depressive Mood Among Children: Fourth-Grader as an Example

指導教授 : 張弘潔


憂鬱情緒是兒少間越來越常見的困擾。其影響元素多元,包括生物、心理、人際、社會結構等。其中,人際關係對兒童憂鬱情緒影響甚大。過往雖有相關研究,但多以國高中生等族群為主,國小族群之研究相對稀少。本研究期望深入探討家庭和學校之人際關係的影響,即父母之心理受害與同儕霸凌與國小學童憂鬱情緒之關係。 本研究採用次級資料分析,採用「國立臺灣大學中國信託慈善基金會兒少暨家庭研究中心」之「兒少家庭社會經驗追蹤調查資料庫」的部分資料進行分析。本研究採用該計劃於2014年所收集之第一波具全國代表性抽樣的樣本資料,最後納入5,627位國小四年級學生作為研究樣本,進行資料統計分析。 本研究男女學童樣本在憂鬱情緒方面並無顯著差異。而其憂鬱情緒與心理受害之關係,隨性別與來源家長不同而有所差異:男童方面,母源心理受害對憂鬱情緒之影響高於父源心理受害;女童方面,父源心理受害對憂鬱情緒之影響高於母源心理受害。而在同儕霸凌方面,則不論男童或女童樣本,其皆為最重要的預測因子,影響高於父母源心理受害。此外,情緒商數亦與憂鬱情緒有著顯著負向關係。建議今後應針對性別差異發展教育素材、以求發揮最大功用。


Depressive mood is an increasingly common concern among youth. It is affected by a variety of factors, including biological, psychological, interpersonal, and social structures. Among these factors, interpersonal relationships have a major impact on children's depressive mood. Although relevant studies have been conducted in the past, most of them are focused on high school students, while studies on primary school students are scarce. This study aims to investigate the influence of interpersonal relationships at home and school, i.e. how parental victimization and peer bully relate to depressive mood in primary school children. In this study, secondary data analysis was conducted by using part of "The Longitudinal Study of Children’s and Adolescents’ Family and Social Experiences" from National Taiwan University Children and Family Research Center, sponsored by CTBC Charity Foundation. First wave of nationally representative sample data collected by the program in 2014 was used for this study. The final sample of 5,627 elementary school fourth graders was included for statistical analysis. No significant difference was observed in depressive mood score between boy and girl samples in this study. The relationship between depressive mood and psychological victimization also differed by gender and parental origin: in boys' sample, the effect of maternal psychological victimization on depression was higher than paternal psychological victimization; in girls' sample, the effect of paternal psychological victimization on depressive mood was higher than maternal psychological victimization. In terms of peer bully, it was the most significant predictor for both boys and girls, with a higher effect than parental psychological victimization. In addition, emotional intelligence exhibited a significant negative relationship with depressive mood. It is suggested that gender-specific educational materials should be developed in the future to maximize their effectiveness.


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