  • 學位論文


Performance on Single­-Shot Camera Localization Using Handcrafted or Deep­-Learning Features

指導教授 : 洪一平




In recent years, camera ego-positioning has been industrialized in many aspects. For example, robots and unmanned vehicles need visual positioning to estimate their position. Therefore, the importance of ego-positioning technology can be imagined. One of the most common methods of ego-positioning is based on image features. This paper compares the performance of traditional features and deep-learning features on the localization accuracy of a single-shot localization method, and the single-shot localization method used in this experiment is based on image retrieval . In the paper, two classic traditional feature extraction methods and five deep-learning feature extraction methods that have been popular in recent years will be selected. The experimental datasets contain images of seasonal changes and lighting changes(weather changes). The localization accuracy is compared under different accuracy ranges. Analyze the possibility of performance pros and cons, and discuss the pros and cons of various methods. This will provide ideas and improvement directions for subsequent image localization research, especially for localization research with lighting changes.


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