  • 學位論文


A Comprehensive Study of Aboriginal Representative Bureaucracy's Passive and Active Representation in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃心怡


本研究以代表性官僚理論(representative bureaucracy)為基礎,並分為兩大部分,首先為測量2006至2016年間代表性官僚的消極代表性狀況,其次則為探索消極代表性與積極代表性之連結因素。研究結果一發現,在代表指數方面,僅有原住民族警察人員呈現過度代表;而漢人公務人員之代表指數僅有警察顯示為略低度代表,其餘皆呈現充分代表。若加入性別,原住民族男性的警察人員在近十年以及原住民族女性的醫事人員在近三年內均呈現充份代表,而其他原住民族男性或女性職等的人員皆呈現低度代表,簡薦委任之原住民族女性的指標在近五年內持續增長,目前數值已接近1。在階層指數方面,原住民族公務人員在各類型職位層級中,除了委任人員、警佐、警正、中階的醫事人員以外,皆呈現低度代表,甚至在金融、資位、分類職位、警察等高階人員中是缺乏原住民族代表的,故階層指數多年為零,透過檢視各類型官等人員的階層指數,我們更可以發現大部分的高階官等職位皆由漢人男性擔任。總上所述,在全國原漢不同性別與職位層級的消極代表性方面,原住民族女性高階職位不足代表的程度較原住民族男性嚴重。   其二,本文之第二個研究問題從質化研究出發,試圖透過深度訪談,呈現不同消極代表性情形的一般公務人員及警察人員的原民族裔官僚人員在執行公務的過程中,如何與個人、組織、以及環境層次等因素互動進而體現積極代表性。訪談時間為2018年8月至2019年4月,總計受訪人數8位,其中3位為一般公務人員,另外5位為警察人員,受訪者皆任職於原鄉且性別皆為男性。研究結果指出,原鄉的代表性官僚不論是在政策的執行或是規劃的過程中,皆受三個大層面下的因素影響,進而決定了後續的行政行為態樣,但不一定所有的行政行為皆與展現積極代表性有所關聯,又兩類的代表性官僚因為個人工作經歷、背景、職務定位屬性以及服務客群的不同,在產生積極代表性時啟動的條件亦有所差異。   最後,本研究建議,目前我國原住民族官僚人力可從兩大方向改善,其一為量的提升:一、定期召開會議討論並提出特定族群或性別代表性不足之中長程改善計畫或對策。二、調整原住民族公務人員進用比例及轉調限制規定,以提升原住民族人進入公部門之誘因;其二為質的改善:三、族群認同感的激起與培養;四、專業主義的培養與訓練。


Based on the theory of representative bureaucracy, this study is divided into two parts, the first is to measure the passive representation of representative bureaucrats from 2006 to 2016, and the second is to explore factors affecting the translation of passive representation into active representation. The first part of the study found that only the representation index of aboriginal police officers was overrepresented; while for non-aboriginal civil servants, only police officers were slightly underrepresented, and the rest was fully represented. When gender is included, aboriginal male police officers in the past ten years and aboriginal female medical personnel in the past three years had been fully represented. However, other types of aboriginal male or female civil servants were underrepresented. In terms of stratified measure, aboriginal civil servants were underrepresented in various ranks of job, except for street-level civil servants, street and middle-level police officers, and middle-level medical personnel. Even for the high-level personnel such as finance, transportation enterprise employee, categorized position and police, the stratified measure had been zero for many years. That is, we can find that high-level positions of civil servants are all held by Han males. To sum up, in terms of the passive representation of different genders and ranks, aboriginal women were more seriously underrepresented in high-level positions than aboriginal men. The second part of this study starts from qualitative research and attempts to present how civil servants and police officers of different passive representation interact with factors of individuality, organization and environment to induce active representation in the process of performing duties through in-depth interviews. The interview began from August 2018 to April 2019. A total of 8 respondents were interviewed, of which 5 were civil servants and the other 3 were police officers. The results point out that the representative bureaucrats in the aboriginal areas are affected by three major factors in the process of policy implementation and planning, which in turn determine the following administrative behavior, but not necessarily all administrative behaviors were related to or led to active representation, and the two types of representative bureaucrats have different conditions to generate active representation due to different work experiences, backgrounds, characteristics of jobs, and customer groups they serve. Finally, this study suggests that the bureaucratic manpower of aborigines in Taiwan can be improved in two directions. One is to increase the quantity. First, adjust the proportion of aboriginal civil servants and the restrictions on transfer, so as to increase the incentives for aboriginal people to enter the public sector. Second, regular meetings to discuss need to be held and medium and long-term improvement plans or countermeasures for underrepresentation of specific ethnic groups or genders need to be considered; The second is qualitative improvement: the third is the arousing and nourishment of ethnic identity; the fourth is the cultivation of professionalism.


