  • 學位論文


Investigating the mechanism underlying OPEL-induced plant immune responses

指導教授 : 劉瑞芬


OPEL為疫病菌 (Phytophthora parasitica) 的外泌蛋白,序列預測顯示其具有signal peptide、thaumatin-like domain、glycine-rich domain及GH16 domain,GH16 domain包含β-1,3-glucanase活性區的保守性序列。以OPEL重組蛋白處理菸草 (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun-NN) 葉片能引發細胞死亡、癒傷葡聚醣沉積、活性氧分子累積及誘導水楊酸和PTI相關防禦基因表現。對處理OPEL重組蛋白之菸草葉片所進行的轉錄體分析發現多個編碼receptor-like proteins (RLPs) 或receptor-like kinases (RLKs) 的差異表現基因 (FC ≥ 2, p-value < 0.01),為瞭解其在OPEL誘發植物免疫的重要性,本研究挑選具研究潛力者,包括被高度誘導表現的NtLYM2、涉及多種醣分子辨識的adaptor RLKs 基因NtCERK1-like以及參與蛋白質辨識的NtSOBIR1和NtBAK1等;RT-qPCR分析顯示這些基因的表現都會因應OPEL之處理顯著提升。進一步以cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) 於N. tabacum cv. Samsun-NN誘導基因靜默,再分析其對OPEL誘發癒傷葡聚醣沉積和細胞離子滲漏的影響,發現靜默NtLYM2顯著減少OPEL介導癒傷葡聚醣累積的數量,靜默NtBAK1降低OPEL引發的細胞離子滲漏量,而靜默NtCERK-like或NtSOBIR1對二項觀測指標皆無顯著影響。此外,疫病菌感染誘導NtLYM2大量表現,而且暫表現NtLYM2顯著提升疫病菌在菸草的感染面積。這些研究顯示NtLYM2和NtBAK1在OPEL引發的植物免疫反應扮演重要角色,至於NtLYM2如何參與菸草和疫病菌的交互作用則待更多研究探討。


OPEL, an apoplastic effector from Phytophthora parasitica, contains signal peptide, thaumatin-like domain, glycine-rich domain, and glycoside hydrolase 16 (GH16) domain with β-1,3-glucanase active site consensus. Upon infiltration on the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun-NN) leaves, OPEL recombinant protein caused cell death, callose deposition, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, as well as induced the expression of PTI marker genes and salicylic acid-responsive genes. Previous transcriptome analysis identified a variety of differentially expressed genes (FC ≥ 2, p-value < 0.01) from tobacco leaves pretreated with OPEL, including those encoding receptor-like proteins (RLPs) or receptor-like kinases (RLKs). In this study, genes of interest were further investigated for their roles in OPEL-induced plant immune responses, including the highly induced NtLYM2 and genes encoding adaptor RLKs NtCERK1-like, NtSOBIR1, and NtBAK1. Their induced expression in response to OPEL treatment was verified by RT-qPCR. Down-regulation by employing cucumber mosaic virus (CMV)-mediated gene silencing on N. tabacum cv. Samsun-NN, followed by analyses of OPEL-induced callose deposition and cell ion leakage, indicated that NtLYM2 silencing compromised callose deposition and NtBAK1 silencing compromised cell ion leakage, whereas silencing of NtCERK1-like or NtSOBIR1 had no effect. Notably, NtLYM2 was up-regulated by P. parasitica infection as well. Nonetheless, when overexpressed in Nicotiana benthamiana, it enhanced P. parasitica infection. These results indicate the important roles of NtLYM2 and NtBAK1 in OPEL-induced plant immunity. How NtLYM2 is involved in tobacco-P. parasitica interaction awaits further investigation.


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