  • 學位論文


Feasibility Research and Application Framework Development of Mixed Reality Techniques in Metaverse

指導教授 : 藍俊宏


科技創新帶來新應用,進一步啟動時代變革大潮流,最終引領人類生活方式和產業生態發生根本的改變。如積體電路及半導體奠定了個人電腦的發展,進而啟動了後續的資訊革命。其後互聯網及行動通訊發展到移動互聯網及智慧手機的全面普及,成就了雲端運算大數據等相關應用商機的爆發。元宇宙的概念與願景暢議,在相關領導企業的推波助瀾下百花齊放,2020年後的全球疫情也催化了其對擴及生活、學習、娛樂、與工作方方面面的改變,下一波大趨勢,或下一個大事 (The next Big Thing) 的到來隱然浮現。 混合實境 (Mixed Reality, MR) 是開啟元宇宙的核心技術之一,體現物理和數位世界虛實並存與交互融合,標誌著人類感知體驗架接進入這新應用的介面。結合相關的產品平台和內容服務,使各項創新應用成為無限可能。使用場景或也將可擴及人類生活和產業的所有面向。 本研究主要針對MR相關技術於元宇宙概念之可行性與應用框架發展,研究核心技術的挑戰和可開發突破的方向,以發展相對理想的產品應用規劃,並探討啟動市場成長的成功因素,與反思可能的生態系和產業變革。透過跨領域整合與創新的思維,描繪應用架構方案,探討定位新典範建立的契機。 本論文試圖全面理解分析這潛在的大趨勢,對於臺灣ICT行業發展微顯示核心技術和MR可穿戴設備相關的應用可能有很大的商機,但也伴隨著技術革命和生態系統轉型的挑戰。基於應用框架和尖端微顯示核心技術可行的研發機會,規劃理想的MR產品和描繪可能的體驗內容用例,總結觸發需求爆發的關鍵,對各類價值共創生態系參與者的戰略建議以及潛在的變化和挑戰,是本論文主要的發現和成果。


Technology innovation brings new applications, starts the megatrend of transformation, and ultimately leads to fundamental changes in human lifestyles and industrial ecosystems. For example, Integrated Circuits (IC) solidated the foundation of personal computers and triggered the subsequent information revolution. Internet and mobile communications that emerged with the popularization of mobile Internet and smartphones have stimulated the outbreak of cloud computing and big data-driven applications across all business spectrums. Since 2021, Metaverse has been widely discussed and prosperously bloomed by relevant leading enterprises and industries. COVID19 is also catalyzing and accelerating the associated changes that extend to almost all aspects of human life, learning, entertainment, and work. Mixed Reality (MR) is one of the core technologies that portals the Metaverse, reflecting the coexistence, interaction, and fusion of the cyber and physical worlds. It enables the human perceptual experience to interface with such new applications. Combined with related product platforms and content services, innovative applications are unbounded. This thesis focuses on the feasibility and application framework development of MR-related technologies in the Metaverse. The challenges of core technologies and the direction of potential development breakthroughs are also studied. To develop the ideal product plan and explore the key factors to trigger market growth. It is expected that through the innovative and multidisciplinary integration, the application platform will be clearly portrayed, and the business model to realize a paradigm shift will be discovered.


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