  • 學位論文


Simulation of Offshore Wind Turbine Operational Underwater Noise

指導教授 : 陳琪芳




This study focus on the impact and simulation analysis of the offshore wind turbines operating noise. Most of the current literature research focuses on the measurement of the operating noise of offshore wind turbines, and based on the measurement results and related wind turbine parameters which design power, wind speed, distance and other parameters of the offshore wind turbine to derive the formula for offshore wind turbine operational noise. However, there are some hesitation about this method. Since offshore wind turbines currently contain a variety of different types of foundation, fixed foundations are divided into monopile, jacket, tripods and gravity types, while floating wind turbines are divided into tension leg, semi-submersible and spar, and these types have corresponding different parameters, these parameters will also affect the size of the operating noise, only the rated power of the wind turbine has the greatest impact. Therefore, this study will be based on the current way of assessing the piling noise of offshore wind turbines in Taiwan, follow a set of sound sources to simulate by the finite element method, and use the parabolic sound transmission equation to calculate the noise level of the operating noise of the offshore wind turbine transmitted to far field. This simulation method is currently widely used in piling noise assessment of offshore wind turbines. This study will be divided into three main parts, noise impact, simulation analysis and offshore floating wind turbine simulation. The noise impact section will review the noise related to offshore wind turbines, and then aim for the noise characteristics of the operating noise. In the end, it will focus on the impact of the noise on marine environment. The simulation analysis will be divided into three stages which to verify the input force function, the comparison of the actual case of the fixed foundation and the comparison of actual case of the offshore floating wind turbine. This study will use these three stage to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the method. In this study can solve the doubts about the prediction method of statistical regression from measured cases , and provide us with a basis for evaluating the impact of operating noise of offshore wind turbines in the future. Although this study can predict and simulate the operating noise of offshore wind turbines, there are also related situations that cannot be handled. This method is time-consuming and costly when dealing with the impact of multiple wind turbines. When corresponding to the above situation, the simulation results can be used for ANOVA analysis and regression analysis, and the operating noise formula of offshore wind turbines applicable to specific environments can be regressed. Nevertheless, the regression results in this study have certain limitations. If the sediment environment and parameters are out of range, the simulation and statistical analysis must be re-run. In addition, the design power of the case wind turbines used in this study is below 6MW, and additional verification is still required when dealing with high-power offshore wind turbines in the future.


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