  • 學位論文


An Analyasis on the Disputes of Separation of Legislative Power Between Central and Local Governments over Bulding Bulk Regulation

指導教授 : 張兆恬




Building Bulk control means that in order to achieve the rational use of land, the government sets the average floor area ratio according to the planned population, residential density, average floor area of residential buildings per person and the level of public facilities services, and sets it according to its planned characteristics, location, road width, configuration of adjacent public facilities, topography and geology, development status and restrictions. Furthermore, according to current Building Bulk control norms are mainly scattered in central regulations, such as Urban Planning Law, Building Act ,but also scattered in self-government ordinances and regulations ; However, considering that Building Bulk control is related to the rational use of land and the provision of related public facilities and services, it is not only local in nature, but also has a certain spillover effect across local jurisdictions, which makes Building Bulk control often controversial between central and local authorities : Whether the Building Bulk control can be regulated by the local government without the authorization of the law, which is based on the autonomy of the autonomous laws and regulations ? If so, what is the authority of central supervision ? It is worth discussing. Therefore, this paper will discuss the distribution of the legislative authority between the central and local governments through the discussion of the norms and legislative process of Building Bulk control, the constitution and the local institutional law, and discuss and analyze several recent representative cases of authority disputes, in an attempt to building bulk control norms of the Constitution to be a valuable idea.


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司法院大法官書記處(2014),《德國聯邦憲法法院裁判選輯(十五) 》,司法院。
